my ps2,sports,skateboarden,chillen with my buds,aggervating my sister,basically anything
idk anybody i guess
Myspace Graphics
uncle Kracker,greenday,tobykieth,bon jovi,goodcharlotte,simpleplan,the franchize boys,eminem,5ocent,fallout boy
2fast2furious,constitine,americanpie,spiderman,final destination(all of them),8mile,and a bunch of more
30 Things You Might Not Know!! by ktwalter73
What are you listening to right now?: uncle kracker
What was the last thing you ate?: dinner
If you were a crayon what color would you be?: green
How is the weather right now?: cold
What color is your underwear right now?: blue
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: samantha
The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: eyes and smile
Favorite type of food?: steak
Do you drink?: no
Ever got so drunk you dont remember?: no
What color are your eyes?: brown
Single?: no
Favorite month?: may
Last movie you watched?: simpsons
Favorite day of the week?: friday
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: yes
Hugs or Kissess?: hugs
Chocolate or Vanilla?: choclate
What books are you reading?: none
Piercings?: no
Favorite movie?: saw2
Any pets?: yes
.. no
Dogs or Cats?: dogs
Favorite flower?: none
Have you ever fired a gun?: yes
Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: yes
Right handed or left handed?: right
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Are you missing someone?: my girlfriend
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law and order,trl,vh1,jackass,viva la bam,basically anything
i hate reading lol!!!