I will follow you into the dark profile picture

I will follow you into the dark

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Your death will be suicide....Most likely because
people won't except you or love you or
because you hate life itself...You have
constent thoughts of suicide daily....and you
plan when you will. Someday it will
happen....You most likely die alone in your
house...with nothing but dark music playing.
You'll probably write a sucide note and die
right by your bed side....

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
brought to you by Quizilla Everyone knows me!!!! I'm Drea!!!! I'm from Crhs and that's just awesome. I have awesome friends....maybe...kinda ......Now here's the drill....my previous AIM was..well....discontinued....you can now AIM me at Dreaunownalone17@aol.com....sounds familar hunh?
Contact Box Generated MySpaceSupport.com
Create your own custom MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Shit list(not in any specific order): Ashley P. Ashley S. Sky J. Marq P. Ms Thompson, Kyle P. Erich B. Mr Vanilla, Montel W. Baseball cards, Hillary D. Ashlee S. Avril L. Mary C. mmmm......anyone that has pissed me off the least bit. If you want to know how to be taken off or put on this list....please contact me....Drea

I'd like to meet:

.. You scored as Goth. Your A Goth!



Rocker, Mosher








Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev



What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy E.c.t
created with QuizFarm.com Get your own games at arcadecabin.com Take the quiz:
Whats ur Party Game?

Circle of Death
Ha dis game is hot u no how 2 have fun and u luv ur alcohol. this game u make a 4 layer circle of cards and u strt wit da 1st layer. one person piks if u get a red card u pass the drinkn time to ne1 of ur choice. the drinkn time is the numba on the card. if u get black u hav to do the drinkn time. if u get a jack u hav to make a rule any rule lyk all the guys hav to take their shirts off. if u get a queen u pik a categorie and every1 has to name sumtin in the category for example shoes pumas n who ever repeats one or cant think of one they hav to drink for 5 seconds. if u get a king its sentence n ace is fountain. strt playn u party anima

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


You Are Animal
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.
You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.
But you sure can beat a good drum.
"Kill! Kill!"


adopt your own virtual pet!
Your Band Name is:
The BBQ Hussies Band Name Generator I adopted a cute lil' emo fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!


You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
Your icons are... by ShesJustATREND101
Your name:
Favorite Color:
Fav. Day of the Week:
Your Love icon:
Your Happy icon:
Your Sexy Icon:
Your Mad Icon:
Your Sad Icon:
Your Hungry Icon:
Your Music Icon:
Your Random Icon:
Your Passion Icon:
Quiz created with MemeGen ! Take the quiz:
You're an Angel of..... (w/ anime pic.s)

You're an Angel of Darkness
Being an Angel of Darkness, you switched sides going to evil. You are the darkness from of all angels. Your views of everything chance, once positive now negitive. You are bent on revenge and taking over anything that stands in your way. Loving only pain and suffering of others. You are still very beautiful in a bold way, not elegent as you once were. You do Satans dirty work. You loath the angel you once were, you plot to take over the heavens and make the all the angels there suffer.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


adopt your own virtual pet! Natalie Portman Gangsta Rap Chris Parnell: We're sitting here today with film star Natalie Portman.Natalie Portman: Hello.Parnell: So, Natalie, what's the day in life of Natalie Portman like?Portman: Do you really want to know?Parnell: Yes, tell us.Portman: I don't sleep mother f***er off that yak and bourbon doin' 120 gettin head while I'm swervinSeth Meyers: D**n Natalie you a crazy chickPortman: Yo shut the f*** up and suck my d**k I'm bustin dudes mouth like gushers mother f***er roll up on NBC and smack the s**t outta Jeff ZuckerGuys: What you want Natalie Portman: to drink and fight Guys: what you need Natalie Portman: to f*** all nightDon't test when i'm crazy on that airplane glue put my foot down your throat till you s**t in my shoe leave you screaming pay for my dry cleaning f*** you man It's my name that he's screamin'Parnell: I'm sorry