Get Your Sexy Name
i'm mostly trying to re-meet old friends cuz i know i've changed alot so it would kinda be like meeting a new person with the added perk of memories we already share(easier to break the ice):)
country, rock and roll, metal anything that moves meanyone who loves metal should check out my friends band. they are from a small town in new mexico and they kick fuckin ass,you should check em outfucking awesome metal band, thats all i have to say, go check em out
Which Sublime song are you?
Caress Me Down
Te gusta reggae, y te gusta punk rock. Oh and what's that other thing you like...oh yeah-sex. You're hornier than Ron Jeremy. Uuh, and that's the lovin' sound.
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scary flics first and foremost, then anything as long as it has good acting and a good story line
my t.v. is dedicated to my son so cartoons cartoons cartoons!!! Spongebob Squarepants and Invader Zim among others
sci fi/fantasy Piers Anthony, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind and the like
my mom,dad,sister and my fiancee and son
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