i'm a goddamn nature enthusiast. seriously. plus i love that indie rock. yowzers.
motivated go-getters with lofty ambitions and clear pores. my evil twin in a fight to the death. people with cordless personalities. anyone with a fast car and lots of cash. the cast of Friends. strange men in dark alleys. player haters. seafood lovers. young republicans. swedes, canucks, and brazilian shemales. girls who are taller than me. girly boys. coffee drinkers. lazy fuckin' scum bags. and yr mom.
bands that i like.
Raising Arizona, THX-1138, Clockwork Orange, The Great Escape, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Bowling for Columbine, 12 Monkeys, Trainspotting, Donnie Darko, Meeting People Is Easy, and 70's porn from Sweden.
The Simpsons, Conan O'Brien, Kids In The Hall, the nightly news(w/ Brian Williams), CNN, Jeopardy, and Heroes(fuck you, Chad).
1984, Vonnegut, Hunter S. Thompson, Douglas Coupland, and other shit with words that are strung together in a manner that my poor brain can comprehend. that asshole Chuck Klosterman too.
dead rock stars