About Me
In the world of hip hop today there are many diffrent ways to get rich if you our focused on your craft. young haze, a up and coming hip hop artist has learned to use street morals and ethics mixed with a business mind to paint a picture so vivid in evrey verse. Raised through out the tri state arera
he spent the key yrs of his life in the gritty streets of philadelphia where he learned the term ''hustle or be hustled'' which later led him to come up with the term hustle hard. dispight popular belief "hustle hard" is simply a refrence to the mindstate that young haze has toward making money in any way possile."I feel llike i'm the hottest unsigned right now period but there's no doubt in my mind that I am a future star of the music industry". what separates young haze from alot of the other rappers is his ability to switch through diffrent generes within hip hop while still maintaining the same confidence of his ability."the thing bout me is i can make a street banger then turn around and make song for the ladies and still be able to do somthin that will make u think".Look out for young haze's first mixtape 2000Haze coming real soon!!!for any further information just leave a message or comment...HUSTLE HARD!!!!
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