Get to Know Me
...About You...
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Brown
Height 5ft 10
Favorite Color Blue
Screen Name Smiler
Favorite Band Razorlight
Favorite Movie Borat
8 out of 10 cats
Your Car Fabia 1.9 tdi
Your Hometown Beaconsfield
Your Crush's First Name Rebecca
Your Grade 1.5
Your Style spikey
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop not my personal rooftop but i've been on a few in my time!
Kissed someone in the rain plenty of people!
Danced in a public place far too often!!! especially when i've had a few beers and think im timberlake... more like the riverdance man!
Smiled for no reason what a stupid question... thats all i ever do!
Laughed so hard you cried yep back in the day when i loved to smoke i had a few major laughing fits!
Peed your pants after age 8 no
Written a song yeah i've created some classic tracks!
Sang to someone for no reason more than likely
Performed on a stage sort of
Talked to someone you don't know plenty of times after a few beers etc
Made out in a theater yep, classic 14 year old days
Gone roller skating since 8th grade nope
Been in love not fully, probably thought i have been a few times
...Can You...
Write with both hands just about
Whistle yep
Blow a bubble a crappy one but yeah
Roll your tongue yep
Cross your eyes not really
Touch your tongue to your nose nope
Dance i think i can, many would disagree
Speak a different language yes but not perfectly
Impersonate someone yes, got a few up my sleeve
Cook anything yeah i cook for myself and my dad every night, and we arent talking beans on toast, im a solid chef!
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... im not so why think about it!
I wish ... i was a little bit taller, i wish i was a ballerr, i wish i had a rabbit in a hat with a bat.
So many people don't know ... so many secrets!
I am ... amazing!! ha ha
My heart is ... knackered
Take this survey
Myspace Layouts Your results:
You are Superman Superman 80% Iron Man 75% The Flash 70% Robin 67% Green Lantern 65% Wonder Woman 60% Spider-Man 50% Hulk 50% Catwoman 50% Supergirl 45% Batman 40% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...