Francesca profile picture


Finally - they realise my potential!!

About Me

I'm a cryin', talkin', sleepin', walkin', livin' doll
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Stong Black Coffee - Something to keep me awake during those long working hours
Beverage (alc) ? Long Hard Screw!
Color ? Black the colour of death
Food ? Anything - So long as there is a large portion
Item of clothing ? Gusset Pants
Meal of the day ? Erm The biggest one - Whichever that may be
Feature on yourself ? My big toe - which has a rotting nail - B E A utiful
Quality in a guy/girl ? Huge feet - you know what they say!!
Phrase ? Ahh, would ya look at the size of that
Song ? LFO - Girl on TV - like theres a contest!
Musical Artist/Band ? LFO - God this is repetitive
Movie ? Dumb and Dumber/Mean Girls - Pretty much all the classics
TV Show ? Janice Dickinsons Modelling Agency/Launa Beach - I like my TV to be informative!
Radio Station ? Swan FM
Type of Chocolate ? What?? It all goes down the same way!!
Eye Color ? Yellow with Pink Spots
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? Need you ask - Monty the super dog
Smoke ? no, dirty habit!!
Drink ? Well, maybe one or two on a special occasion
Have any piercings ? Now that would be telling
Have any tatoos ? One of a devil on my shoulderblade and a large one of a dolphin holding a rose round my bellybutton
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend Good god, the chance would be a fine thing
Had sex ? What a question??!!
Gone streaking ? No - but I know a friend who has
Gone skinny dipping ? ELLE!!!
Been to Europe ? Yes
Been to an island ? We live on one!
Had stitches ? Nope - i don't do anything energetic enough to injure myself
Broken any bones ? fractured 2 knukles in a freak areoplane trolley incident
Been stabbed/shot ? many times - i'm like a pin cushion - but thats just life in the ghetto
Slept until after 12:00 ? Who hasn't?
Stayed up all night ? Once or Twice
Danced like a whore ? I do every week/in fact i am right now
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? Hooked up?? We're not American
Turned down a dare ? I couldn't - It's just not in my nature
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Emile Hesky - Not just a pretty face and a mean footy player i tell thee
Is the prettiest ? None - I surround myself with ugly people to make myself feel better!!!!
Is the most handsom ? Brett the Anteater
Is the loudest ? Holly "Fladger" Dean
Is the craziest ? Rachel - Literally crazy!!
Is the most shy ? Don'
Is the most shy ? Emilys pretty shy and retiring - you wouldn't catch her falling off her stool!!

Is the most loving ? Well i often snog all my friends and the most loving is ... win the prize
Is the most understanding ? Kathrine Grayskull - but it was a close run contest - the rest of you will just have to try harder next time!! Listen to me in my hour of need!!
Is the most boring ? Monty - He doesn't even talk, just crys and crys!! It makes my ears bleed
Is the richest ? I don't think any of us have a pot to piss in at present!
Is the most athletic ? Well Chess has been heading down the gym of late - Mentalist
Is the most cocky ? Lizard the 2nd
Is the biggest sex icon ? My goodness, all of them!!
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Slap and Tickles - Alex Pickles - what with the driving ban - he can travel the world on a push bike
Do you look up to the most ? Scott Phillips - he's the tallest
Do you tell everything to ? Everyone knows my secrets - i'm an open book!!
Has the best clothes ? They all look like their dressed out of Oxfam
Has the best house ? Emilys Cats Mugsy and Whybird!! Jealousy is not the word!!
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? Why would you ruin 2 perfectly good foods?
Kiss someone of the same sex ? Hell yeah - Bring on the full sex
&..39;Cheat on someone you love ?' LOVE is a myth made up by grating cards companies!!!
Run away from home ? No - life is too easy in the Wright hotel
Lie to your parents ? Moi - I never fib
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? It would be a bloody good trick as I don't have one!!
Lie to your best friend ? Maybe a little tiny white lie!!
Give a homeless person money ? I always thought i'd say no, they would only spend it on booze - then i thought, thats what i'm going to spend it on
Run from the police ? No way, I i'd rather rot in jail than run
Bungee jump ? I can't see it happening
Sky dive ? Perhaps - if I totally lost my mind
Cross dress ? All the time - just call me Derek
Be an exotic dancer ? Check me out at
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? The words Pizza and Hut spring to mind!! But if you leaver someone waiting 20mins for a bill your asking for it
Scuba dive ? I worry i may not be able to breathe or i'd get eaten by a shark and i don't think mankind could go on without me, so - no
Go rock climbing ? Where is the point in that?? No satisfaction
Go spulunking (caving) ? I don't think spulunking is really caving - Do you??
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? The guy from X-Factor Kelly Osborne your a piece of shit on my shoe/Day of A-level results on the long walk to the Chad when Superman had just come out and i nearly got runover!!
Bologna ? How do you pronounce that?
Hott ? Indian Food
Orange ? Jason - from Take That
Real world ? Does it exist?
Fuck ? off - what a shit question
Jack ? the ripper
Cucumber ? Sex Ed classes
Hip-Hop ? Brett Pond on the ones and twos
Uniform ? School!! How i miss it
UniCORN ! ? Dave Powell - Seahorses/unicorns
Rainbow ? I could do with some money
Clown ? Paedophile

My Interests

Long country walks, Shooting and Darning socks

I'd like to meet:

Top of the list would have to be Simon Cowell, Sharon Osbourne, Bruce Forsythe and last but not least Alan Fletcher. Me and Alan rown a campfire him strumming me singing - thats what i call heaven!! And who could forget LFO - Scooby Snacks!! What a lyric!!
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LFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Any hard core Grunge, anything Emo and S Club 7. How I sobbed when they broke up!!


Dumb & Dumber and Disney Film esp. The LIon King and Assult on Precinct 13 (The popo are poppin' on each other - it has to be seen to be believed!!)


Too fat to Walk, Fat Girls and Feeders, Chubby Children, Celebrity Fit Club - Pretty much anything about the obese - I find them fascinating!!


Trash, Trash, Trash!! Mainly read magazines, Closer, Pick me up, Heat, Love it etc!!


Monty the Super Dog - What a life, Sleep sleep sleep, get up, eat, sleep!! And of course LFO!!! .. width="425" height="350" ....
Name: Francesca Goddess Wright
Birthday: 02 Feb 1984 - Yes i'm very old
Birthplace: Hammersmith - its where i get my ghetto accent from
Current Location: Hughenden (aka Death) Valley
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Honestly - Greyish
Height: A smidge taller than a midget
Right Handed or Left Handed: Lefty!!!!
Your Heritage: Fuck knows - not asian judging on how racist Grandmama is!!
The Shoes You Wore Today: Brown boots - Its was bloody cold at 4.30 this morn!!
Your Weakness: Gossiping - mainly about things i shouldn't even know, let alone tell anyone else
Your Fears: Living till i'm old
Your Perfect Pizza:
Thoughts First Waking Up: Brilliant - i heart the morning - time to get up and at 'em and not waste the day
Your Best Physical Feature: My enormous arse
Your Bedtime: I try not to get up at all if possible
Your Most Missed Memory: Oi, fit babes!!! - Em that ones for you
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, coke, coke!! Unless its pizza hut pepsi - then it's a toughy
MacDonalds or Burger King: BK OK everytime!! Bring on the Bacon Double Cheeseburger
Single or Group Dates: Puurrlleeaassee - if i could find one person to go on a date with it'ed be a bloody miracle
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Yuk - do i look like some some of paedophile
Chocolate or Vanilla: Schokoladen bitte
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee pour moi sil vous plait
Do you Smoke: No - i'm not as cool as some
Do you Swear: I try not too!! But when you work with a bunch of cretins its hard not too!!
Do you Sing: Have you people not heard of the Ratchett Sacks - you'll see our rise to fame in X-Factor next year
Do you Shower Daily: Oh yes sweet jesus - I wouldn't even have cyber friends left if i didn't!!
Have you Been in Love: In a word - No!! Steve Noke certainly doesn't count!!!!!!!!
Do you want to go to College: Been there, done that - Elle stole my t-shirt
Do you want to get Married: I think you have to attract someone of the opposite sex to do that - although if they begin allowing marriges involving only one person - sign me up!!
Do you belive in yourself:&..39;
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only with people who don't understand the meaning of gears
Do you think you are Attractive: Hell yeah
Are you a Health Freak:
Do you get along with your Parents: Dizzy Julie and Stumpy are legends!!
Do you like Thunderstorms: I just don't like the rain - we get enough, send it somewhere where people are dying of thirst
Do you play an Instrument: Just sold the old flute so sadly its a no from me
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Maybe a little bit
In the past month have you Smoked: Nope - you asked me if i smoked earlier and i said no - why are you asking me the same questions?
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Loads man - I'm like totally tripping all the time
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Christ - don't make me laugh. Even if the question was in your life have you been on a date i believe the answer would still be the same
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Mall???? I have freqented the Octagon shopping centre but i don't think it would pass as a mall
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I've never eaten a whole box of Oreos
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes - chow down on the fish i say
In the past month have you been on Stage: I don't think i've been off of it!! I live for the stage
In the past month have you been Dumped: I haven't been pulled in the first place
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Jesus no - have you seen the weather
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Maybe a little ipod from work - but its been in lost property for ages
Ever been Drunk: Yes - My names Francesca and i'm an Alcoholic
Ever been called a Tease: In a word - No
Ever been Beaten up: Maybe a little tussle - but not proper bo Kate style
Ever Shoplifted: Only from Richards shop - and i'm sure he knew and just added to the paper bill
How do you want to Die: In a spectacular accident and i don't want to be old
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Fat
What country would you most like to Visit: Somewhere far away from this miserable shithole, preferably with a temperature above -3
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Blue - but proper blue - not just a cheap imitation
Favourite Hair Color: Ginger - i heart Eastenders - bring on the gingervision
Short or Long Hair: No ponytails need apply
Height: a lot taller than me - not that that would be difficult being a dwarf and all
Weight: Preferably heavier than me - now thats more of a big ask
Best Clothing Style: Anything second hand
Number of Drugs I have taken: so many that you find me attractive
Number of CDs I own: so long as you East 17 in your back catalogue
Number of Piercings: oohhh, i love a holey man
Number of Tattoos: sorry, ooohhh, a love a holey pictured man
Number of things in my Past I Regret: not asking me out (for a date (single or group)) earlier