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About Me

Myspace Layouts at / The sweet life

Hey everyone...i'm gems and I come from liverpool...woooh best football team ever love em!! i'm 20, no longer a teenager, supposed to be an adult now but really dont feel any different to how i felt when i was younger... Maybe a little bit more worldly wise now...he he, hope so anyway!! Aaaaanywho back to the point, Im living at home in formby with the boring!! But i have no money at all so couldnt afford to move out even if i wanted to! Besides it is so nice to sleep in my nice bed at home, and iv got my little car and i can see my friends easier so life is good!! Im currently at Liverpool John Moores Uni doing a degree in Nutrition. It's not to bad, just as any degree goes i suppose. Just started a job in Tesco's so finally happy to be earning some well needed dosh! Want to start saving up to hopefully travel next year with the girlies so lookin 4ward to that one...really wanna travel and broaden my horizons and so excited about it!! anyway hope everyone is ok!! Get in touch!! Lots of Love gems xxxxxxxxx

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Your Seduction Style: The Natural
You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. What Is Your Seduction Style?
You scored as Kelly Kapowski.

Kelly Kapowski


Lisa Turtle


AC Slater


Jessie Spano


Samuel "Screech" Powers


Zack Morris

What Saved by The Bell Character are you???
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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Kissing Style?

MY RESULT: Romantic Kisser

Beware of your kiss – it’s been known to make people fall in love.
To you, kisses are the finest expression of love. (And you love being in love.) You think that the best kisses happen when the feelings are strong and the love vibes are pumping at maximum speed. That doesn’t mean you’re a traditional kisser, though – you love to mix it up with creative kisses and keep things interesting. Kissing is an art, and when you get going you’re like Picasso.

Take This Quiz!

a b 0 u t m e
n a m e:: Gems
a g e:: 21
b-d a y:: Christmas Eve
h a i r:: Brown
s k i n:: White
e y e z:: Blue
h e r i t a g e:: Liverpool
s i b l i n g s:: None
p i e r c i n g s:: two ears
t a t t o o s:: none - but thinkin of gettin one
Y 0 U R F A V E
f o o d:: try to be healthy but probably chocolate!!!
c a n d y:: jelly tots
m o v i e:: too many to mention! 80's films, the notebook, devil wears prada, loads more!!
t v s h o w:: desperate housewifes, FRIENDS!! sex and the city
s t o r e:: river island, selfridges, topshop, hmv, er tescos lol!
c a r:: hmmm dunno my cars ok
s e a s o n:: summer!!! and the x mas side of winter
w e a t h e r:: nice and sunny and cheerful
s h o e s:: heels
i c e c r e a m:: choc and vanilla
m u s i c a:: love everything!!! like the oldies tho
l a n g u a g e:: english
c o u n t r y:: usa and uk and australia
b e a c h:: errr a sandy one
c l a s s:: huh
p i e c e o f j e w e l r y:: earrings
m e m o r y:: holiday to france
a c c e n t:: irish is nice
d i s n e y c h a r a c t e r:: nemo and tigger
q u o t e:: everything happens for a reason
H A V E Y 0 U E V E R
b e e n d r u n k:: oh yeah
s m o k e d:: yes
s e e n s o m e o n e n a k i e:: uh huh :)
b e e n i n l o v e:: yes
w i s h e d u p o n a s t a r:: arr yeah
c h e a t e d:: never have never will!
s n u c k o u t:: yes lol
l i e d:: no well maybe to rents
p u l l e d a n a l l n i g h t e r:: a few times
D 0 Y 0 U
h a v e a b f/ g f:: yes
s m o k e:: no!!
d r i n k:: yes!
g e t y o u r n a i l s d o n e:: no, do em myself
d y e y o u r h a i r:: yes darker
h a v e s e x:: yes :)
b e l i e v e i n g h o s t s:: dunno maybe
d r i n k c o f f e e:: no iv tried tho
h a v e r e g r e t s:: some
l i k e y o u r s e l f:: yes
l i k e t o p a r t y:: hell yeah
g e t j e a l o u s:: sometimes
A R E Y 0 U
a t t r a c t i v e:: ok
u g l y:: hope not
n i c e:: hope so
b i t c h y:: me never!!! lol
o n m y s p a c e 2 4/ 7:: occasionally
a g o o d f r i e n d:: of corse i am
f r e a k y:: have my moments
0 P P 0 S I T E S E X
e y e z:: nice and cute and sexy
h a i r:: dark
b o d y t y p e:: strong and tall
a t t i t u d e:: nice and friendly
p i e r c i n g s:: not fussed
t a t t o o s:: dont mind
l o n g h a i r:: not too long
s h o r t h a i r:: preferably
g h e t t o::
p r e p p y::
s k a t e r::
o l d e r:: preferably
y o u n g e r::
c o l l e g e:: in uni now
j o b:: something on the media
f a v e g i r l s n a m e:: dunno have to think
f a v e b o y s n a m e::
n u m b e r o f k i d s:: two, or if a third comes along i dont mind
R A N D 0 M
l a n g u a g e y o u s p e a k:: gemma language
w h e r e d o y o u w i s h y o u w e r e:: soemwhere on holiday in the sun getting a gorgeous tan!!
w h a t d o y o u w a n t:: to be happy
w h a t e l s e:: to pass my degree
p e r f e c t p i z z a:: thin and crispy
c a n y o u d o a s p l i t:: ow no
d o y o u p r a y:: sometimes
h i d d e n t a l e n t s:: thats a secret!
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The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

My Interests

I totally love movies and music! And i love goin out to dance and drink and be merry, so good!! Liverpool FC are the best, cant miss a single match! Eeerm i love singin, usually in my own company, while im cooking in the kitchen or in the shower...cringe!!! Would not like to hear what i sound like!! i love watching tele and i like reading. im interested in beauty and fashion, celebrities etc boring girly stuff! Can' t think of anything else at the moment!

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Your Birthdate: December 24
You understand people well and are a natural born therapist.
A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around.
You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you.
You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people.

Your strength: Your devotion

Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness

Your power color: Lilac

Your power symbol: Heart

Your power month: June What Does Your Birth Date Mean?


LOVE music!! I have the broadest taste in music ever! Not even gonna bother to write down everyone i like, i'll be here all week!! I love a bit of everthing, old-new etc etc Tend to listen to certain groups or singers for a while then move onto the next genre. Or just listen to anything really, not fussed!! Sometimes depends what mood I'm in, like if im exercising ill listen to fast dance or if im in a romantic mood ill listen to oldies..or even newies I dont care!!lol!


I also LOVE movies...big film buff over here!!! Can watch anything! At this present moment in my life Im loving 80s movies...think there great, i love the brat pack movies like pretty in pink, wierd science, the breakfast club etc and others like fast times at richmond high or porkeys! I wish i had been a teenager in the 80s coz i love the music as well!! I also love comedies, cheesy flicks, romantic flicks, action flicks, gangster flicks, thrillers...anything goes!

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Used to be a tele addict but dont even watch it anymore - just dont have time!! will watch the footie when i get a chance but only thing i manage to force myself to watch is X Factor at the mo - think im addicted already!!! Watch Friends, Sex and the City - love it, LOST, The O.C. and Music channels mostly.


I love reading when I can be arsed picking up a book that is, and when I have time!! Never have a chance anymore to read!! i basically like most books including autobiographies, Harry Potter and a good ole' girlie romance sometimes tee hee!!

My Blog

LIVERPOOL FC have won the FA cup!!!

LIVERPOOL FC have done it again!!! What an amazing match, Itsanbul the 2nd!!!
Posted by gemma on Sat, 13 May 2006 10:19:00 PST


LIVERPOOL FC are in the FA cup final wahooo!!!!!!!
Posted by gemma on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 07:46:00 PST