Listenin to music, drinkin. hanging out with my girl every chance i ya baby...muah...moving into an apartment with her in January, can't wait.... just hangin out with friends and driving around....gettin out of the army at 25 and then goin to better late than never....wanna move back down south when i get out and go to school down there...too damn cold up of right now im going to major in criminal justice lol...not sure about a specific field yet but i'll figure it out...mainly just looking forward to gettin back to the real world.... the military is a good idea as far as im concerned, but not something i would wanna do forever...
Not really trying to meet anybody on here...and i really don't feel the need to meet anybody famous, i guess nobody
Hip hop, techno, r&b, rock, country, I dont really hate on any type of music....if it's got a good beat i'll listen to it...
Lets see....All the Hellraisers, all the Halloweens, and all the Jason movies...horror movies kick ass!! always a good choice to bring ur girl too lol...All the Matrix's, all the Die Hards, Patriot, We Were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan, Wind Talkers, both Resident Evils, Borne Identity and Borne Supremacy, All time best movie would have to be..Braveheart
X Files, Jackass, BET's Comicview, Southpark, the Simpsons, The Shield, Jeff Foxworthy Show (hilarious), King of Queens, Play Makers now that shit's funny
Tom Clancy, John Grisham, Dan Brown.....that's about it lol
All the guys still in Iraq, all the guys about to go to IRAQ, and everybody who's ever been to a foreign country to fight for the US...nobody know's what we go through so that people over here can live however they want...