A-N00B-us profile picture


Holy crap I'm a nerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

FPS god part of the Sacramento Valley Rouge Force a Star Wars fan club I share a table or two with the local 501st Leigion. I have my own Jedi costume im a master Lightsaber builder and I roll a D20.

My Interests

Star Wars,Halo,Halo 2,Red vs. Blue,Timespliters 2-3,Doom 3,Star Wars Battlefront 2 Paleontology and anything geekish

I'd like to meet:

anyone other than an NPC or a Bot in a FPS Ray Park and Gorege Lucas


Star Wars ep.I,II,III,IV,V,VI


StarGate SG-1, Firefly, Andramada, Star Wars:The Clone Wars, Ghost in the Shell, and any educational show on the Discovery Channel


"Neuromancer", "So Along, and Thanks for All the Fish"


Master Chief, Cortana, Darth Maul, and Yoda