I am Matt, or, if you will - Logger. It is a terrible nickname which has no interesting back story, and I have been lumbered with it due to my inexplicable failure to stamp it out in the early days of it's use. As such I am doomed to be Logger until the end of my days.
I'm 23, but I'm not doomed to be 23 until the end of my days. I generally change this statistic once every 12 months.
I'm in a band called Vend and there's a good chance I'm destined to be in this band until the end of my days.
My role in the band is drummer, figurehead, and inspiration to all... and I occassionally bring pasties to practice.
Oh, and that reminds me, I'm originally from Cornwall.
This is about it really, if anything significant happens to change any of this information, like me becoming a woman or something, I'll let you know.