Georgioâ„¢ profile picture


all i can say is... who would of thought... ;)

About Me

So its been a while and ive decided to actually write something maybe worth reading about here lol... well first of all ill start with im a 23 y/o guy in brooklyn ny who has no idea what direction life is taking him but most definently enjoying the ride... good friend once told me ..“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.” ive done a complete 180 over the last few months... made life long friends... that i love more than anything... and most of all done a lot of growing up...i can honestly say im very happy with myself and the decisions i have made thus far... maturity has been bestowed upon me loli mean sure ive had my ups and downs.. ive made my mistakes but so glad i made them cause they have shaped me into who i am today,,, well i guess i believe that there is no looking back.. leave the past where its meant to be left and enjoy the present... hey im 23 i have my whole life ahead of me... and i plan on doing it right...there you go... you got the scoop on Georgio now ;) Also THIS IS MY ONLY PAGE!! any other pages CLAIMING to be ME ARE ALL FAKES..Thanks To everyone letting me know everytime they see them out there...,,, thats me... so thanks to all the wierdos out there pretending... im flattered....FREAKS

My Interests

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