would NEVER meet anyone off myspace... but if I had to describe the kind of guy Id like to meet... an HONEST, good looking (non juicehead) guy with style (but not metro) that likes to have fun and can dance his ass off! I love Tattoo's and Piercing too... ohh and Tommy Lee... I don't care what he has I love him!
DJ Vibe, Danny T, Alex Santer, Peter Bailey, Richie Santana, Roger Sanchez, Victor Caldrone ... Greek / Italian music... Reggaetone, hip hop sometimes, I love Biggie and the dirty south beats also love cheesy 80s songs and Oldies ...
Hook, Peter Pan, Zoolander, Old School, Kicking and Screaming, Big Daddy, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Tommy Boy,Office Space, Super Troopers, Break up, The Prestige, Foot loose, Grease, Saturday night fever, The Summer of Sam, Rocky Horror Picture Show, 300, Johnny Tsunami, Pulp Fiction, The Sandlot, Carlito's way, Factory Girl, A Bronx tale (it was filmed in my fathers building), The breakfast Club, Office Space, Gladiator, Blow, The Notebook and yeah I love movies and I quote them all day...
The Girls Next Door, UFC, Unwrapped, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Seinfeld, & Sports (Yankees, Giants, Rangers, Italy, & Lakers)
Tropic of Cancer, The Giver (even though its a kids book) , 1984 ... to name someThings are always happening. It seems wherever I go there is drama. People are like lice- they get under your skin and bury themselves there. You scratch and scratch until the blood comes, but you can't get permanently deloused. Everywhere I go people are making a mess of their lives. Everyone has his private tragedy. It's in the blood now- misfortune, ennui's, grief, suicide. The atmosphere is saturated with disaster, frustration, futility. Scratch and scratch- until there's no skin left. However, the effect upon me is exhilarating. Instead of being discouraged, or depressed, I enjoy it. I am crying for more and more disasters, for bigger calamities, for grander failures. I want the whole world to be our of whack, I want everyone to scratch himself to death. - Tropic of Cancer
I am my own hero.. I'm so proud of myself ... Oh yeah... and Kupia Avastasa (if you know who that is your laughing)