Profile Generator
We created it for every one in punk bands so we can share all of our non-mainstream, under-rated badass live performances or DIY videos.
Or if you like a band you want more people to know about.
This group is open to any variety of punk music.
Underground Punk Bands
Greetings Earth children. My name is Charley Defect. I came to this beutifull planet landed in the city of La palma in Orange county California in late November 1980. I chose to inhabit the body of a new born babe named Charley. Charley's familly moved to Alta Loma California in 1983 and began attending elementry school at the age of six. I was sent to this planet not knowing what to expect, I had to find the body and mind of some one who could look at this world with out prejudice or inhibition or any form of hatred. This person would learn as would I, about what this place you call home is really all about. Together we would help each other have a deeper and transparent understanding of life and living here.
My mission is to watch, feel, and listen to humanity, analise and create solutions for the problems that plague it. After twelve years of observation, we began to form and refine our preception. Charley started playing guitar and discovered music; rock, folk, reggae and punk became favorate genres for us both. We starting writing poems and songs at the age of fifteen. Charley was in tenth grade at Rancho Cucamonga High School when he got fed up with the lack of relevence in the cirriculum (as did I) and graduated early by passing a proficientcy exam. After that we found some like minded indivisuals and played in punk bands. Often times we would leave home and travel alone writing and performing acoustically on the streets and at underground political/spiritual gatherings all over the western united states.
We met many interesting and lovely people, we also experienced and saw terrible and tragic things happen to people all over the globe and to those close to us, who we loved most.
Charley became a father to a beutiful precosous little girl named Maya in 2004. Since then we've been blessed with the abillity to record and write music with panoramic insight and laser like precision. We've played in six diferent bands but now play with two, Charley plays guitar and writes all the material for Defective Children and plays drums for the Cheated.
We beleive that playing cordless and acoustic is one of the purest forms of musical expression. We also beleive that the subject matter of lyrics should focus on pragmatic relevance and absolute unconditional love, instead of vain and selfish emotional indullgence. It is unfortunate the comercial record labels and the majority of main stream entertainment establishments push on the population the later.
But we're not gonna just jump back on our space ship leave and give up. We're gonna stick around for the coming celebration and new age of enlightenment that is progressivly growing and rapidly changing human kind. There will be peace on earth. So we're gonna stay and do what ever we can to give people hope and let them know how easy it is to live your life, when you see that every one can be free of negativity and fear.