Misfit Cliche profile picture

Misfit Cliche

Misfit Cliche

About Me

fUnDaMeNtALLy..i dArE SaY THaT i'm a tEmPoRaRy PsYcHo aRsE

WhO'S ReALLy iNtO N3300, nEw mP3 pLaYeR(saVe oNe 2004 sOnY nEtWoRk WaLkMaN FoR muI)

CrAvInG To LeArN HoW To sTrUm tHe bLoOdY GuItAr(SeEkInG A TuToR)

hAtEs fAiLuRe A LoT

PaRaPhERaLLy, A HoMosAPiEn WhO LiKeS To lAuGh HeR LuNgS OuT

LoVeS 2 bE ArOuNd wIf hEr pEepZ

HaS A MaSsIvE AbHoReNcE On CyNiCSm

N NoT To fOrGeT ViOlEnCe

AlWaYs dReAmT Of OwnInG A CaM CoRdEr

BaRgAiN ThE WhOlE SpOrTs rETAiL ShoP N TaKe AwAy ThE TRAINER shoes QuEeN ThRoNe

HaTeS SkIrTs(tHe LeSs i WeAr, ThE UgLiEr i LoOk)

PuRpLe, BlAck N ReD fRaNtIc aRsE

WhAt i knOw iS, i'm jUz aN OrDiNaRy HuMaN bEiNg WhO SeEkS FriEnDsHiP N D AnSwErS tO QuEsTioNs WhIcH CoULd NeVeR bE SoLvEd

My Interests

. .
CuRrEnTLy..i'm buRyInG mYsELf wItH FiCtIoNaL BoOks-

HiBeRnAtInG 24/7[this one is FRAUD]-

StAyInG Up aLL NiTe sUrFiN THe nEt-

FiXiNg mY b'LoVeD GaDgEtS-

LeArNiNg oN HoW To bE A GoOD CrIcTic In tHe mUsIc iNdUStRy[ecece..hehe]-

DiEtInG[I HaVe tO sUstAIn mY WeIgHt]-

WaTcHiNg MoViEs[pLaNnInG TO gO On a mOvIe MaRaThOn]-

BuNgEe jUmPiNg fRoM THe 88tH fLoOr At kLcC-


Im-iNg wItH My pEePz-

ThInKiNg bOuT My rEmIniSCeNcE[LaYAn bLuEs]-

I'd like to meet:

THoSe wHo wAnT tO GiVe pEaCe a cHaNcE
LoTr fRaNtIcS
ToMb rAiDeR FanAtIcZ
WhO CoULd TeAcH Me hOw tO StRum d gUiTaR

Powered by | Misfit Cliche | .


DaY'S TrAcK LiStInGs ...(BaNgIn' InSiDe hEr Ear)

| rOLLoVeR Dj-JeT |

| LeT'S GeT It sTaRtEd-b.e.P |

| HuNtEr-DiDo |

| aVrIL LaViGnE-I AlWaYs GeT wHaT i wANt |
| KeLLy cLaRkSoN-BrEaKaWaY |
| Only One-yELLoW CaRd |
| American Idiot-Green Day|

..u knoW WaT?..i'm jUZ GrAtEfUl tO Be a cOmPLeTe UnIvErSaL MuSiC FrAnTiC aRsE!!


WaAgHhH...SeRiOusLy, IhAvEnT WaTcH AnY MoViEs fOr thE pAsT 5 mOnTHs N YeAh, iTs bRuTaLLy sUffOcAtInG..
............................................................ ..................................................
-MoViEs I'Ve bEeN cRavInG To wAtCh n rEwAtCh-

|pUteRi gUnUnG LeDaNg|
|ReSiDeNt eViL 2 - ApOCaLyPsE|
|bArBeR ShOp 1&2|
|13 GoInG On 30|
|LOTR 3LoGiEs|
|PrInCeSs dIaRiEs 2-rOyAL eNgAgEmEnT|
............................................................ ....................................................

hAhAHhA..I JuSt lOvE To Be a hUmAn!


I AiN'T A CoUcH PoTaTo nOw..I HaRdLy wAtCh tV..cOz i tHiNk tHe shOws r bOrInG...BuT I Do hAvE FeW LiStInGs fOr tHem..

[WaDe rObSOn's pRoJeCt]
[KaY TaGaL KaNg hInIn TaY]
[ThAt 70'S ShOw]


::..I'Ve jUz fInIsHeD ReAdInG ThEsE BoOks..::

| rEsIdEnT eViL: aPoCaLyPsE |
| tHe nAnNy DiArIeS |


My HeRoEs Eh? HmM.. wELL..In rEaL LiFe.. I pUt My fAmILy aS My lOnG tImE HeRoEs..THeY'Re jUsT D PpL i NeEd In dIs wOrLd..WhEnEvR I FeEl LoNeLy..i hAvE My sIbLiNgS To JoKe wItH..wHeN I NeEd A ShOuLdER To cRy oN..My PaReNTs WiLL AlWaYs bE THeRe fOr Me..wHaT CaN sAy?..AlHaMdULiLLah..iF It's oN My fAntAsY WorLd..i pUt CeLiNe dIoN iNtO My lIsT Of mUsIc hErOeS.. iN EdUcAtIoNaL AtMoSpHeRe--ThAt wOuLd Be aLL THe iNfAmOuS aRaBiC sUfI'S..thEsE pPl WeRe So bRaINy n yEaH bRiLLiant..

My Blog

| Confused and wired up |

*listening to : Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams * seriously..i dont know whta got into me today..First, there was this whole ex-classmate thingy..then..my ex-boyfriend and lastly..my Mom..Aargh...
Posted by Misfit Cliche on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dedicated to all of DAY's allies..

dis msg is made especially to all my peepz out there... first and foremost..i really want to express my fullest gratitude to all of u lots for being my trustworthy n loyal friends..i, obviously, happ...
Posted by Misfit Cliche on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Love blinded

Walking in the dark alone, Your ignorance blinded me up, where does your light illuminates which u promised that it'll guide me all the way round. searching for your warm touch, but it's cold...
Posted by Misfit Cliche on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


-Wit beyond measure is a mans greatest treasure. (HP book5)-   Well, days have past and fundamentally, I still have a couple of weeks for the matriculation registration day and one week before the ...
Posted by Misfit Cliche on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

[new entry]

yo homies [er..do u ppl prefer to be called that?]...nway...juz dropping ya peepz an entry..fundamentally...there's nothing much came into my mind lately..but the thoughts n dreams in pursuing my stud...
Posted by Misfit Cliche on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

~~aNoThEr DaY In paRaDiSo~~

well....results out...satisfaction guaranteed..n, admittedly..yup..i am happy..happy..happy..happy..though no straight a's in account...i obviously feel grateful for everythin dat i did last year... ...
Posted by Misfit Cliche on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fraud devotee

Sometimes, I just really hate to be someone's girlfriend....Frankly, I'm not ready for one...Finally, I've realized that I'm still young to get through this lovey dovey stuff... Everything that you d...
Posted by Misfit Cliche on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST