nj profile picture


Man, being reasonable, must get drunk; the best of life is but intoxication

About Me

in high school i was dumped for being too tall
i have a lot of scars
i read with only one eye open, i always have
i am terrified of clowns, puppets, mannequins, dolls, and dummies
i like dogs better than most people
i simply cannot coo over babies, i think they're revolting
i think coffee shops ought to be inviolable places for adults only
i frequently use the word 'weapon' and get a moisty over boys in knickers
i have an unnatural fondness for wellies
i'm part french. self loathinglyi am completely uninterested in your band so for the love of christ please save yourself the effort
can't you fucking read?

My Interests

14 iced bears, adderall, andreas vitsentzatos, angela carter, angelina jolie, beach bonfires, beagles, being opinionated, berets, betty blue, big noses, black and white photographs, black eyes on faces, bloom, bob rooney, books, born against, brimham rocks, bus stop knobs, byron, cake, camping, cankles and hecks, carol ann duffy, checkered vans, cheekbones, cheese, chris morris, cleavage, coffee, coffee flavoured cake, coffee heath bar crunch, crewcial, cthulu, curlers and headscarves, de lempicka, dean winters, deco, diana dors, dogs, drama, elizabethan history, elves, elvis costello, evacuees, exley, fencing, firth: colin, flappers, footy, frog and toad, fun boy three, good strong hands, goodnight mister tom, green eyes, gregory peck, guided by voices, harry crosby, hating spencer, hating spencer's mother, heerlen, helmsley, hope and glory, infest, jesus and mary chain, john irving, language, latin, looking closely, ls6, lunacy, making up new words, making up swears, mark darcy, mbv, mental illness, merp, missing my nana, moors murders, nicky peacock's photos, not paying attention, oliver wood, olives, oman, oz, pat phoenix, peanut sauce, period drama, pink and green, plotting against cats, poetry, polaroids, porkless pies, potatoes, pringle, procrastination, pulling spacker faces, rat rodeo, reel life, regency, rennie mackintosh, roald dahl, robert taylor, roddy doyle, roquefort, rosemary, rugger, running on empty, sakura, sarah records, sarah waters, scrabble, seaton carew, selling out, silvia, simon & garfunkel, sinterklaas, sirius black, sophie dahl, spelling, spies, stationery, storms, svu, swiz, talking too much, tea lounge, tearose, ted hughes, the jam, the princess bride, the smiths, the yorkshire moors, to kill a mockingbird, tolkien, tony underwood, tor lundvall, tripping up, valpolicella, vaselines, vicodin, victorian grimoire, viktor krum, vlad die tepes, wellies, whitby, wide-ons, wine, wringing my hands, yurp


“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of the most tasteless books ever written for children...probably the book most read aloud by those teachers who have no idea, apparently, what other books they might read to the children.” - Mrs. Eleanor Cameron.

My Blog

'just friends'

look, i'm only going to say it once. if you can't appreciate the amazingness of this fucking movie we can never hang.'you're awesome''THOSE are awesome'
Posted by nj on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 09:43:00 PST

'at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet'

i beg to differ, plato...The clocks slid back an hourand stole light from my lifeas I walked through the wrong part of town,mourning our love. And, of course, unmendable rainfell to the bleak streetsw...
Posted by nj on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:09:00 PST

when i was 18

i met my birth mother for the first time. this is where i met her, under the whale jawbone in whitby. i fucking love whitby. i don't see my mother anymore, but i really miss the view from under this g...
Posted by nj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

5 entries found for fragile.

1. Easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail. 2. Lacking physical or emotional strength; delicate. 3. Lacking substance; tenuous or flimsy: a fragile claim to fame. ---------------------------...
Posted by nj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

nothing tastes the same

passing the chessboard tables walking the dog seeing that stupid pug in the window of that stupid store even showering it's like you were an ingredient that made my food taste amazing and now i kn...
Posted by nj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

You can sit up, and look out at the sky

still, you're out on your own at night i can hear you, i can hear you and the make up is going to go along the things we have done that are wrong can i touch you, can i touch you look into your ...
Posted by nj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i'm a picker, it's in my nature

i can't let things heal. i pick at them and pick at them until they scar. sometimes there's hardly anything there to begin with and i'll squeeze at it until it erupts into something unsavoury and ugly...
Posted by nj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST