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House of Eikonoklastes


About Me

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First off you should know We are neither male or female as we are an Order there are members of both sexes.Think about how much freedom has been peeled from us in the last six years. Does it make you angry? Think the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer? Tired of watching your children go off to war for someone else's politics? (this statement does not reflect the current war just that we have no say in who we fight) What will you do when you can no longer own a gun? How then can we stand against the possiblity of a dictatorship? The very things that made this country great are being taken from us as we watch " Survivor" and pretend to not notice a police state forming. Alot of us don't even vote anymore because you get your choice between a granny smith apple or a golden delicious. No variety!!! Political power is kept to a certain few while the rest sit and feel helpless. Well We the H.O.E. say we can make a difference. It's a long journey to social reform and it requires supporters and activists. That's what We are here for supporters, Let us count the number of folks who would like to see Social reform. So if your interested in making changes request an add to our friends list.

My Blog

"Today is Today" by AbaddonX

" Today is today" and "tomorrow will be tomorrow", So why live today thinking about tomorrow when you can live it tomorrow, and you have the rest of today to think about and enjoy all the beauty it ha...
Posted by House of Eikonoklastes on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 12:55:00 PST

Our Decrees

Decrees;   1. I live my life without folly, for this I query all. 2. I embrace a life of humility, through this I transcend. 3. I'll reciprocate unto others the considerations remunerated to me. ...
Posted by House of Eikonoklastes on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 12:22:00 PST