MEL♥DI profile picture


♥ i think about my loves , well i've had a few. i'm sorry that i hurt them, did i hurt you to

About Me

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
is something that comes easy,
when you've never been a
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
People usually take me way too seriously... 90% of the time I'm being a sarcastic brat... I'm complicated. I'm over-analytical and fairly hard to please. I have screwed up pleanty of times in the past but I've learned from my mistakes and these lessons have made me the person I am. I don't take advice, but I'm really good at giving it. {Just call me Dr. Phil} I have a hard time writing about myself, so I always want to edit this. I'm hard headed and stubborn and I will back up what I believe to the grave. It's a blessing and a curse, some people think I'm brilliant, while other's think I'm arrogant... both are probably right. My son is the most important person in my life (without him, I probably wouldn't be here. He has been the biggest motivation for me to grow the fuck up and get my head on straight.. everything else is secondary. I'm selfish when it comes to my time, which I don't have much of. I don't put up with people that require too much of me, but I can be sort of high maintenance. I never leave the house without eyeliner. I'm obsessed with accessories and eye makeup. I can't go more then a few hours without listening to some sort of music. I'm a pretty amazing cook, I learned from my Madre. My parents are really good people, and I am lucky to have them. Love PEOPLE scare the hell out of me. {And their ignorance often amuses me} I've been burned in the past and I used to let it get to me, but I've realize that no matter how bad it gets, how bad you get hurt, I always get through it. I am in a better place in my life than I have ever been. I have come so far, and still have a long way to go, but I am grateful for every minute of this crazy ride and wouldn't change a thing. I still like to party at times, but I've learned my limits. For the most part, I live a substance free lifestyle, but I don't really care much about what others have going on, as long as it doesn't get me into shit. I love to drink beer, eat BBQ and watch ESPN {that is, when my son isn't watching Miss Spider or Nemo}. School is a huge priority for me right now, so everything else has been on the back burner lately. This fall I should be eligible for graduation if all goes well. This year was pretty rough due to some family medical emergencies, but as of August 20th I'll be back on track for school and next fall I'll have my AA. My mouth gets me in trouble sometimes, but never into anything my fists can't handle. Most people are intimidated by me, if not by my height, then by my intelligence. I can be incredibly sarcastic and brutally honest. My friends love my for my ability to make them see things from another perspective. I am usually the first person my friends call when they need to talk. I look out for my friends like family. My friends are very important to me and my best's are invaluable. The true ones have stuck by me through all of everything and I don't know what I would do without them. And out of some of the shittiest situations in my life in the past few years, I have gained some great, and even some unexpected, friends. Disneyland (and Ventura♥) and Hollyweird are my favorite places on earth. I love the beach. Sometimes I care too much for people that don't deserve it... But if you never give people a chance, you'll never know what they can be in your life. I would rather risk getting hurt, then miss out on something or someone potentially wonderful. I truly believe it's worth it to love completely and without limits, even if you get hurt in the end and that a life without love is no life at all. I have faith in life and love, but not in people. I try not to let my past consume me and I try not to make the same mistakes twice :) If there's something you want to know... just ask. I'm still learning new things about myself everyday... I am doing my best to become the best person and mother that I can possibly be. Sometimes I screw up but at the end of the day I am proud of myself, my accomplishments and how far I have come in the last year... I guess you could say I'm a "work in progress".

My Interests

#1 Maddox.
#2 Everything else.

I'd like to meet:

♥ Maddox ♥

I've already got the most amazing son ever, and great friends... but I'm always interested in meeting new people... so if you're worth meeting, I'd love to meet you.


the good stuff.


80's and low budget horror.


csi: las vegas, without a trace, criminal minds, the simpsons, family guy. those are the main ones.


lately, all i get the chance to read is dr. seuss and david kirk books.


maddox william daniel mcgee friends.
my family.

My best friend. ♥

maddox's cardiologist, dr. blurton. his cardiac surgeons, dr. hasinaya and dr. bailey. all of the nurses at loma linda university children's hospital ♥

people that believe in second chances.

My Blog

Blue skies ahead?

Sometimes the best way to handle things is to sit back and do nothing... If something is meant to work out a certain way, there's nothing any of us can do to change it. I think my luck is about to cha...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:33:00 PST

when life hands you lemons, slice em up and put em in your iced tea.

{because lemonade has too much sugar and splenda makes my stomach hurt}. So needless to say, my weekend did not go as planned. In fact, it almost could not have gone any worse. Someone that has been i...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 07:32:00 PST

big girls don’t cry.

fighting with people i care about always makes me feel like shit. you can't "win". if you think you've won, you've failed to realize how badly you have probably hurt the person you care about, and som...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 01:09:00 PST

Its time to be a big girl now...

do i sit down, take off my shoes and get comfortable, or do i keep my shoes on in case i have to run for the hills? both scenarios can lead to inevidable doom, getting too comfortable and getting burn...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 10:07:00 PST

Seen better times in yesterday.

Things are better than usual. Like, pretty damn good actually. Had a nice vaca to Morro Bay, nice girl's weekend in HB {and got to catch up with some old home-skillets}, spent my birthday with Ramrod....
Posted by MEL♥DI on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 05:21:00 PST

Back into the swing of things.

So fall semester starts today and I'm pretty sure I'd be a lot more excited if I was a little more awake. I'm actually looking forward to getting back on track. Hopefully now I'll be able to finish by...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 09:04:00 PST

Tag, bitches.

RULES OF THE GAME:1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their 8 things and post these rules.3. At the end of you...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 10:26:00 PST

rhyme vs reason.

ever have those moments where you're in a particular situation, and you find yourself wondering what the heck you're doing, and you're not entirely sure, but you do nothing to change it... yeah. seems...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:18:00 PST

I think about the two of us... I don't know why... I feel good on the inside

These bits of brilliance that come at 3 o'clock in the morning would be gladly traded for a semi-normal sleep schedule... but if you've known me for any length of time at all, you'd know it'll never h...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 03:11:00 PST

Face down in the dirt, this doesn't hurt.

It pretty much blows that I am completely exhausted and totally want to be passed out drooling on my pillow and dreaming of Channing Tatum naked, and I'm so not. I'm totally wide awake, and have been ...
Posted by MEL♥DI on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:37:00 PST