i love playin drums,it used ta be my first love. But bein' a country boy i like fishin' huntin',campin' just hangin in the woods or by a crick or river,enjoyin' the splenders of nature and kill them!!!! And i also like to play BATTLEFIELD as much as possible, and raise my two kids of the 4 legged kind Miss Bristol my Boston Terrier and Mister ROWDY my French Bull dog/Boston mix
some nice people ta gabb with,preferable females...lol But hey i can talk ta guys too so if yer one of those umm how can i say this without bein' a quear hatin' gay basher..........if yer gay i aint interested i only like women...does that sound right? lol
well dang,i like alot of everything,lol Punk,metal,big band jazz,even a lil country sorry jennifer and julie.. gigglin'
why yes i do like movies Thank ya fer askin...lmao umm i like horror,comedy's,disney, i like a lil of everythig!!
CARTOON NETWORK!!!!!! SPONGEBOB RUUUUUULES!!!!!!!! And the military channel, Huntin' and Fishin' shows and CSI BABY!!!!!!!!! Yeah now im all worked up..lol and Wrastlin"too!!!!!!
uuuuummm ok dontcha be a hater aight,but i dont read real good...lol
id have ta think 'bout that fer awhile