~*~kayleigh~*~ profile picture


~ HoW U LoSe WhaT U NeVeR HaD in The 1rsT PlaCe? ~

About Me

I got lost in Boston, Austin, flossin... I'M oN SoMe NeW YoRK SH*T! U HaVe 2 be up Here! U Don'T WHaT? TeLL ThaT SH@$ 2 AnoTheR SuCKa!!! NeED 2 get 1 ThinG STRaIGHt be4 U CoMe To My SpoT! SeE? We GoT StuFF iN CoMMoN.... ~ I STaY ToASTeD n HiGH, STaY FLoATin I'm fLy, STaY FoCuSed GeT a LoaD oF The SKy ~TrYiN 2 KeeP it JuSt LikE b4 ~ WhaT U BeEn DrANkiN oN? ~ - Just holdin my head up while my G is locked down. Hey I'm still down 4 ya - ' Cuz I'm broken when I'm out there and I don't feel right when your gone away... * WeLL I CaN TeLL U WhaT I KnOw, my SuGaR loVe me ReAL SLoW and I don't care wHaT my FRieNDs SaY, I JuSt Can'T LeT iT Go~ music layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

I'm almost 21 and I grew up in PKNY thats PoWeR KiNGDoM if U didn't know all ready, and I just left about 4 months ago and I'm staying out by Boston now and it's a real big change, but I'm working with it. I smoke and I drink and I go out, I like music, I like drawing. I can design clothes. I love traveling, going down South, new places, because you never know what else is out there. I try to go back home every now and then back to PK. I know I'm one of a kind... I don't like jealous people. That's why I keep my circle of real good friends small because a lot of people up to no good sometimes. There a whole lot of jealous people out there and that's why the world has so many problems. I think anything a man can do a woman can do just as well if not better, and I know that's not just me. * BaCk ThEN Y'aLL wAs some HaTiN hoS... now Y'aLL STiLL SomE HaTin HoS!!! * SinCe its MoNeY oVeR HoS I cHoosE MoNeY oVeR N*GGaS!!!! *

I'd like to meet:

Y'aLL CaN'T EVeN C Me, SToP aSSuMiNG.... U KnoW U KnOW ~ God will never put u in a situation that u can't handle but u can definitely put urself in a situation u cant handle ~


~ DiPSeT ~ CaMRoN~ JuMp RoPe WiT My CHaIN? D BloCK ~ KeYShiA ~ CaSSiDY ~ JaDAKiSS ~ STyLeS P ~ LiL WaYNe ~ FaBoLoUS ~ ReMY Ma ~ LiL SCRaPPy ~ Jae MiLLZ ~ GaME ~ JiM JoNeS ~ Jha JHa ~ JuELz ~ TI ~ SeaN PauL ~
PimpingYourSpace.com Rules!


The PuNiSHeR * HoW HiGH * KiLLa SeAsOn * PaiD iN FuLL * SP 1 & 2 * HiDe n SeEK * NeW JaCK CiTy * KiNGPiN * The WeDDiNG SiNGeR * CliCK * DrACuLa 2000* LaS VeGaS * MeNACe II SoCiETY * PaY iT FoRwArd *


Law & Order, Real World, FLaVor of Love, CSI, LaS VeGas, Without a Trace


NoRMaL GiRL 4 BLoNDeS PoP PoP PoP !!!! Pop Goes The Weasal* ChaSing DeSTiNy *


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