I've always believed that life is not a journey where you reach the end in a perfectly preserved body. It is a journey where I come in sliding sideways, body thoroughly worn out, parachute half burnt, ruck riddled by bullets, knife in one hand, M-4 firing in the other all the while I am callin' at the top of my lungs "HOOAH! WHAT A RUSH! DE OPPRESSO LIBRE'!".
7Values= Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage.
4Tenets= To be Strong, To know, To Dare, To Keep Silent
3Rules= Always Look Cool, Never get lost, If you do get lost at least try to look cool.Life is the balance between the nightmare of reality and the bliss of Ignorance. Trust humans to be humans; expect nothing more and hope for peace in the eyes of your children.I leave you with this to ponder;
Those who know me, know me well.
Those who think they know me, assume too much.
Those who don't know me, should ask themselves the question of why I don't care that they don't know me.Alfred J Gauf