Trapped in this cage...
Being forced to be free...
Travelling through tunnels...
Finding a way out...
The light...
Gets brighter and brighter..
But its far...
The light...
That i seek is on the other end...
Slowly it gets brighter and brighter...
But life seems so short...
What i seek only is...
The light...
Im only the soil with a flower embedded in my heart...
Im just the soil...
Layout made by blaqheartedstar at .
Take the quiz:
What's your kissing style??
You're a Kute Kisser
0 and 15: You're a Kute Kisser! A Kute Kisser enjoys being sweet and charming. You're the kind of person who naturally is more loving and gentle. You like to be romantic by kissing slowly while stroking your partner's face or by holding their hand. You feel that a kiss is an intimate act of sharing, not just physical fun. You are sensitive to your partner's needs and view your time with them as precious. You like to take your time, and your favorite way to kiss is tenderly. While kissing you listen to your heart and think about how much your partner means to you. Overall you are the most caring and sensitive of all the kissing styles, and you take very good care of your partner by always putting their feelings first.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!