music, stare orang, mengumpat cikgu kimia, study, slepping, hang out, T.V, solat 5 waktu, kumpul selipar, gi timesquare, cabun uban orang, menangkap kupu-kupu, tgk NBA, rollercoaster, chatting, pinjam pen, gi tandas, tengok jam, dan nyanyi lagu skolah!
wanna meet Rasulullah if i could...but....i`m too bad all this years....besides that....i wish i could meet Dr. M,sum amoi in my tuition class,barney, tinkie winkey, lala and poe. not forgetting my x girlfriends-udata hikaru, micheal jordan,and last but not least--------------You! yes....anibadi who read this! ~Bersama Menghayati ISLAM!
M daud kilau, since my depression level is getting from bad 2 W0RSE recently, obviously im more into sentimental songs. u noe those ballads n stuff a lil bit of hip hop of course Blink 182, Green Day, Poo Shat, OAG, paddle pop songs, Shizuka, nasyid, siti sifir
Dude, Where's my car?, trilogy LOTR, *** and the cities, Finding Nemo, Titanic, All cartoon heros movies, scary movie, syukur 91
Oprah winfrey, tiger show, HBO, nikelodon, Raudah, khutbah jumaat, al kuliyah, futurama, TRL, discovery kids, NBA, lagu negaraku, evan stevan, amanda please, TNA wrestling, berita terkini, monk, konsert rabbani, vandread, slam dang
buku teks add math, Gempak, Utopia, Hype, Dik Cerdas, Kisah Para-Para Rasul dan anbiya`, buku lali, diari kawan, buku sifir, al quran, buku how to be a real dunker, katalog giant, and many more!
hANamici sakURagI, My DaD, Son GoKu