::@w3Be$h:: profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. (/)...my space new version.. (/)....one mission one vission.. (/)....contact me [email protected](/)..just a little gurlz.. (/)..love my cute teady... (/)..love my friends... (/)..love my bed..sedap nye tido... (/)..love my family... (/)..love all i have..(/)..describe later...

My Interests

(/)...ride motorcycle lonely... (/)...dalami ISLAM... (/)...seni kreatif....

I'd like to meet:

(/)..meet my friends... (/)..my cat..(best nyer main kejar2) (/)..new friends.. (/)..kawanleh jdi sahabat dan leh jadi musuh...


....depent on mood...semua music leh terima....tpi rock ganas tolak tepi..


(/)...korea movies... (/)...action movies... (/)...seram..


cartoon like ogy and da geng..hapenning~ action tv and chinese story..dragon master


my old books...physic sem 1....


nabi muhammad s.a.w and my father...

My Blog

ZamaN kaNak2...

~~huh.....bila ingat2 balik zamaN kecik2 mmg beSt saNgat..... mase kecik duLu mmg degiL tahaP maX...mane xNye..hari2 pekeja mak..main kotor2....kesian kat mak kene cuci kain bnyak...duLu takder aiR pa...
Posted by ::@w3Be$h:: on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 08:39:00 PST