I play the shit out of the drums daily.
I don't really want to meet anyone. Ive got all i need right here. Kaitlyn Your the Best.
Being the fine musician that I am, I tend to like a little of everything. Except rap music. I used to have some respect for it, but the shit that comes out now is an insult to my refined tastes. Obviously my tastes are somewhat less refined then I let people know because heres a little secret. I love tractor racing and barbecue beef subs. JUST KIDDING. I kinda feel out of place on this website because I didn't list Taking Back Sunday as one of my bands. I'm more of a mainstream rock and alternative kinda guy, so theres a good chance I'm just not Emo enough for you.
Gotta love Home Alone, Goodfellas, Old School and never forget Natinal Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
TV is trash except for Family Guy. That show can really teach a lot about life, like how to be home by 8 and in bed by 11. gigitty gigitty gigitty.
The Great School Lunch Rebellion. circa 4th grade.