About Me
Miss Maureen Nopubes
Me and a dead bird in the road
Me and a dead hedgehog in the road
Me and a dead mole in the road
Me and a dead squirrel in the road
Okay I spend most of my time getting spun out/wasted out my face either on my own or with people.I guess its cos I forget how shit my life is when I do that.Im either doing that or going out with sean&shit cos he pretty much lives with me, just being stupid, I like painting/reading/writing aswell.oh yeah and gigs are cool I usually meet some pretty safe people there But usually Im just bored and being bored sucks I go crazy and normally do something stupid.er cant wait to leave this shithole country but Im going to have to wait ages now which really blows but oh well Im sure Il be entertained in the meantime
My name is Elisabeth-lissie
pubes/maureen/slag/dick weiner/ well you can call me whatever you want really dont care I like making up fucking dumbass names for myself
I want to be a mermaid and live in an enchanted kingdom in the ocean
Currently I'm obsessed with mermaids
Its like a dream life- according to me
This time last year I wanted to live in a tent in a yellow field
My stupid unreal illusions change every year
I prefer fantasy to real life
And that is really interms of alot of things
Its more beautiful, and I'm really too fed up of the cold, drearyness and grey skies-england
I like walking around fields on my own sometimes, just to have a think, clear my head, it makes me less agitated
I dont like complaining but I hate the fact that when I wake up everyday I look outside my window and all I see is building after building,and a dull sky
It sort of depresses me
I want to live somewhere with amazing beautiful surroundings
I get bored very easily and I change not just my image evrything who I associate with how I speak where I go, I look for variety I cannot stay with the same things or people for too long I go crazy
I find philosophy very interesting, just now properly getting into it(?)
I like to "rock out" on my bass guitar that only I can see, Ive actually got this piece of shit guitar with 2 strings well Im gonna smash that up soon because I am ghetto
When Im in a good mood Im really great to be around and I am really 'fun', but then when I'm in my bad moods Im just a cunt and I'm not very nice I try not take my moods out on other people but sometimes I just have to kick seans ass
I have a really big attitude problem(no shit) and I spend alot of my time scowling, dunno why cos Im actually feeling quite happy at the moment things are going pretty smooooth for me
Im really unfriendly and even though I do go out a fair bit Im quite an anti-social person, but I've always been like that.
Twats I really really dislike it when people think that I actually want to discuss my hair or my make up/image with them stop fucking asking me I do not give a shit.
Get the fuck over it aswell Im exactly the same as all of you. I can just think gor myself and I live my life on My terms and not everybody elses
If you tell me what to do or order me around I will always do the opposite, no one is going to control me--soz
And to be honest sometimes people just need to get the fuck out my face, If I dont know you I do not/will not give two shits about you,
I prefer myself to most people if it isnt obvious, no I'm not stuck up myself and I dont think of myself better than anyone else but everyone Ive ever met turns out shit,so now all Im concentrating on is my life/my future
Everyone says Im scary(?)..
I like things/people that stand out,I hate cold weather and rain,its so boring
I hate it when I walk down a crowded street and I just look around, and everyone looks exactly the same and they all seem to me like sheep
Fucking disgusting
I dont really believe in the term "individual"-because when you do narrow it down people are all really the same -eat sleep talk the same
I have about 100 different personalities,
Just really depends on what mood I'm in
I can change moods very easily, which can be a positve and a negative thing
Mostly I'm just rude and arrogant and I swear alot
I like walk around and give everyone "deathstares", yeah thats cos Im either like squinting to see better or I hate you or I'm in a shit mood.Just clear that up
I dont "love" everyone,
I hate it when people talk like 3 year olds and
t@Lk lIk DIs
My relationships/friendships with people dont last longer than two years
Don't give a shit
I take the piss out of myself like so much more than I do take it out of everyone else,I dont really take things that seriously-I dont like worrying about things
I find that I really dont need to rely on other people to keep myself happy
I like throwing shit out of my bedroom window and I love it whenever sean is staying with me(all the time) anyone who walks past he'l just open the window and start on them (well hard)Sean makes me laugh loads Im really glad we are dating even though hes a gay knob
I love art in most forms (freestyle)
Not structered, but I am able to do both
I have to be in a certain mood to paint though,I cant choose when I want to,I also cannot paint freestyle during the day, the reason I dont post any of it up is beacause no-one would understand it and its personal
I kind of have no discipline or routines-which shows lack of self control but I think Im aware of what Im doing most of the time,my sleeping pattern is fucked, my diet is fucked-its stupid really its partly cos Im just to lazy to do fuck all about anything-but oh well
I like lolita dresses,they are very pretty
Also anything leather will do
I hate chainstores, -eg.H&M topshop etc etc
There are two people in my life who I truely love and care about(My kitties) and one of them died a month ago, I dislike every other single person in my family
indie and emo sucks dick I cant stand listening to it
I am a dickhead,Ive got a really shit sense of humour and I know I'm immature dont care really do you want me to act like Im 50?I like meeting really stupid people who just take the piss constantly, they make me laugh.and they get me out of shit moods
yeah Ive said this before but when Im not being an asshole I am 'safe' and according to 'certain people' they have never met anyone like me before
true true.
On like guys -well Im not interested yeah.It "does my head in" when like some dickheads come up to me "exusme love you got a beautiful body and a well sexy arse"
FUCK OFF mate.Id rather like date some guy that would fucking throw food in my face and take the piss, then come out with some shit about my body
I also "hate" silly little boys who act like dickheads just to impress their friends heres a tip for you no one thinks your hard, your never gonna score and you need to grow the fuck up.dammit
And to be honest It really does take alot to impress me, im not going to lie, I like someone that isnt a bastard sheep and can start a decent conversation with me, oh shit if he isnt "too scared to approach me"
It really doesnt seem like it but I am actually a very sensitive person,it used to be a very bad thing, people would take advantage of it,as far as I know they still do in some ways
Im also very generous, In terms of
giving things way obviously, I ll always put other people first
Dunno I guess I drink *too much* oh well and I dont drink wine it tastes like shit
gimme vodka straight to the vein no actually dont I cannot down it after "that incident" I mix it now with coke and take shots its well fun especially when me and kristy sit in my room in the dark 1.2.3 go.
Or I'm on my own Ive said this 1000 times drinking on your own doesnt make you an alcoholic I dont do it as much as I used to well to you know to make me forget how shit my life was
fuck off I sound like a bastard emo.
Physical Appearance
And to all the silly girls who will make a massive deal of actually coming up to me just to tell me Im ugly well-lol I know Im not and well lol
sort it out
Yeah I know I have a "fake" image but you get to know me I am probably one of the most "real" people you will ever meet.
Okay apparantly I'm a *freak*, yeah dont call me things if you cannot even justify what you mean fucking cunts
and why cos Ive got no bastard eyebrows and my hairs slightly different there are seriously too many critical judgemental idiots out there
Most people do not look beyond my imageOr my certain actions.To be honest I can hardly tolerate anyoneIf you dont know me you'll probably think I'm weird.I do actually get to know people before I make my judgements.If you really get to know me I'm actually a pretty decent person And I do think of myself as quite interesting to talk to..
I wish more people would actually take the time to get to know me and look past what I dress like, theres no need to make a harsh judgement before you've ever even spoke to me,but nobody does thats why I dont really bother, and the amountof ridiculous remarks/questions about my appearance really just makes me laugh I'm exactly the same as all of you I just have different ways of acting&expressing myself,and my views on life are abit more "extreme"Whatever
I hate the unaccepting petty society I live in Just really pushes me even further away......
Im just also really over the top sarcastic, its when people think I'm actually being nice I realise I've gone too far
I dunno why i m just talking about my bad points I'm actually great if you know me.
well whatverI drink, because its fun,I chainsmoke when Im stuck somewhere,I am aware that Im a cunt,no shit.Im very rude sometimes for no reason,I swear too much, my only comeback is "your mom", I still havnt got tired of it, and I still find all the jokes hilareous,which is kinda sad beacause it was over like 20 years ago-oh well
but I dont really care, Beavis and butthead is the best show ever,I sit and watch that for hours,but I cant be assed to buy the DVDS so I watch all the episodes on youtube,it makes me laugh.
bye this sucks ass
Oh yeah I didnt plan to write a bastard essay but If im justifying myself on this piece of crap Im might as well go alll the way
watch your fucking back ill batter you wiv ma deathstares(joke)fuck off gaylords.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds