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About Me

All my friends!Nick: A lot of people don’t understand him and don’t give him a chance. At first I even didn’t but when I did I saw a whole other side to him. Nice, caring, and just wants a friend. Today he gave me a fake cat and it was so cute. I thought he just wanted to give me a present, but there was more of a touching story behind it. It turns out that the cat was his sister’s who died in an accident who died in an accident. She was going to a field trip and the bus crashed. He gave it to me because I remind him of his sister because I’m nice to him. His story made me cry. If only people could see that side of him. Then they would understand. One day I asked him who his friends were he replied, “No one” but then he said, “But now I have you.” Joanne: I know sometimes life isn’t fair, but when I think of friends like you I think life is perfect. Thanks for always being there! Luv ya always and forever and when you need a friend call me! I’ll always be there for you! Celine: Thanks for being nice to Nick. I know it’s hard when he does weird stuff but it takes a person with a HUGE heart to forgive him. I luv you so much and couldn’t live without you! Sally: You help me with finding God and make me laugh when I’m sad. I luv you so much and smile when I see you at church. You’re the best! Sxyvaan: You never judge people, and you don’t care that I’m a nerd, you luv me anyways. Your always there and don’t get caught up in what’s “cool”. You’ll always be “you” and that makes you the coolest person I know. Paige: Paigeypoo! I’ve only known you since 3rd grade, but you know me so well that I feel like I’ve known you longer. I luv ya like a sister and I always will.I will always remeber ur ubsession over JOEY .But i will always and truely love u for that! Sarah: Baby SawaJ! I luv you so much. You made me feel welcome when I first joined Girl Scouts, but enough mushy stuff. I have so much fun laughing at other people with you! LOL! Carey: You always listen to my latest news and fill me in on what’s happening in the 8th grade. You don’t care about ages, we’re friends cuz we’re friends. Who cares if we’re normal? Who wants to be average anyway? Meagen: Quiet and shy, you ALWAYS listen. Your always there and we have some good laughs. We’re completely different, but it doesn’t matter. I may be wild and you may be quiet but we’re friends till the end! McKaila: Ever since summer camp we’ve been best friends. You’re so kind and can make anyone feel welcome. I’ll always be here for you. Michelle: Although you may be slow when it comes to jokes, you’re never slow when it comes to friends. When we need you, your there. Thanks for always being there! Carolina: Me, you and Paige have so much fun together! You guys make me laugh and I love hanging out with you. Thanks for the laughs! Amanda: Our friendship has lasted so long, we have a really strong bond. We have SO many memories, and I look forward to making more! Can’t wait for our next beach vacation, so my dad can do his annual back flip off the boat. Morgan: Although we may fight I’ve always looked up to you. Thanks for being there; you’re a great big sister! Jasmine: You’re always so excited to see me and that puts a smile on my face. If you move (which won’t happen because I’m not going to let you) we have to keep in touch. You’re a great friend. Luv you! Daniel: You always try to make people laugh and your really kind, even to Nick. You’re one of my only friends who care when I’m mad at them. That let’s me know that you really care about me. Luv ya like a brother! Taylin: You’re the best little sister anyone could have. Luv you lots! Kimberley: You’re so stupid! GOSH! JUST SHUT-UP! Just kidding. You’re a great friend and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. Kaleigh: You’re a great friend Ovini: You’re a smart friend which comes in handy when I need help in math. LOL! You’re also a great friend and have always been there for me. Thanks! Jessica: You always have so much fun being yourself. I enjoy hanging out with you and your unique personality at school. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face! Olivia: You always are kidding around and making me laugh. If I were to hang out with just you and Jessica I would never stop smiling! Thanks! Courtney: I’m so sad that you have to move but we’ll have to keep in touch anyways. I luv you lots! Kelli: Thanks for always making me feel welcome at youth! You’re a great friend! Lauran: You always put a smile on my face (with your new one). Thanks for being such a great friend. Mandy: Thanks for being such a great friend. Bree: You’re always there for me and I luv you! Thanks! Brianna: You’re such a great friend! And @ lunch u sometimes make my milk come out of my nose!Thanks for being there 4 me!

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