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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I'm nothing more but a human person, with every positive and negative aspects of my being so. Mostly I'm an optimistic person, but even for me there are days when everything I want is to lay and cry. I hope my life will be passionate and full of different experiences. I just want to be able to say: "I regret nothing" at the end of my life.
I live in Opole (small city in Poland), I'm eighteen years old and I study in LO2.
"if I can die saying: “Life is so beautiful”, then nothing else is important if I can believe in myself that much, nothing else matters." [M. Puzo "The Godfather"]
Jestem istota ludzka i korzystam z wszelkich wad i zalet przynaleznosci do tego wlasnie gatunku. Przez zdecydowana wiekszosc czasu jestem zadowolona z tego kim jestem i co czynie, choc bywaja dni kiedy nie zostaje nic, tylko "siasc i plakac".
Urodzilam sie w pazdzierniku 1989 roku, a poniewaz nie wiem ile czasu dane na wlasnosc staram sie nie marnowac ani dnia.
Zycie wypelniaja mi zarówno tak prozaiczne czynnosci jak spanie, jedzenie, chodzenie do szkoly (liceum) czy ogladanie telewizji, jak i te ciekawsze.
Mieszkam w Opolu, ucze sie w Liceum Nr II.

My Interests

Many: music, movies, computer, animals (especially snakes and other reptiles), philosophy (Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Kant, Camus, Socrates) , painting and others.

Sporo: filozofia, szczególnie egzystencjalizm (Kierkegaard, Camus, Sarte, Dostojewski) oraz Sokrates, Kant, Nietzsche; pisanie, rozpoczynajac od wierszy na esejach konczac; rysunek, malarstwo (akwarele);

I'd like to meet:

interesting people... someone to talk to. :)


I love rock, hard rock, metal and gothic music.

Favourite bands: After Forever, Angtoria, Ani Difranco, Apocalyptica, Blind Guardian, Closterkeller, Cradle of Filth, Delain, Disturbed, Doro, Epica, Free Dominguez, Garbage, Guano Apes, Guns N' Roses, Jakalope, KAT, Kidneythieves, Lacrimosa, Lacuna Coil, Leaves' Eyes, Metallica, Nightwish, Nirvana, Rainer Maria, Sirenia, Sisters of Mercy, Stream Of Passion, System of a Down, The Gathering, Theatre of Tragedy, Tristania, Via Mistica, Warlock, Within Temptation, Xandria and many, many others.


"The Lord Of The Rings", "The Godfather", "Swordfish", "Kill Bill", "Ocean's Eleven", "Die Another Day", "Interview With The Vampire", "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", "Collateral", "Lucky Number Slevin", "Home Room", "The Craft", "Casino Royale", "Saw"


I love reading. :)
These are my favourite books:
"The Lord Of The Rings" ["Wladca Pierscieni"], "Gossip Girl" ["Plotkara"], "The Name of the Rose" ["Imie Rózy"], "1984", "Guitar Girl", "The Godfather" ["Ojciec Chrzestny"], "Sophie's World" ["Swiat Zofii"], "The Day of The Jackal" ["Dzien Szakala"], "The Catcher in the Rye" ["Buszujacy w zbozu"], "The Plague" ["Dzuma"], "East of Eden" ["Na wschód od Edenu"]

My Blog

Holidays :)

I'm going to France tomorow. :) I'll back around 30.07. See you soon!
Posted by Anne on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 02:49:00 PST