Lanza profile picture


Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance our ass off!

About Me

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting their own battle! That is my life's motto and I try to stick to it day in and day out. I am silly as shit too and I am constantly trying to better myself and make my daddy proud. Holla...

Myspace Layouts at / San Diego, CA - Image Hosting

My Interests

I like great, solid, long-time friends, traveling, chocolate milk, sex, sleeping in, singing, talking to my peeps, dancing and rockin out to that favorite song at a late hour, Wine, cute guys, Sundays, the beach, any and ALL food-no olives please, a good flick that brings out every emotion, snuggling, drunken dials from people, memories, pictures, North Canton, keeping in touch with people, fun hats, papparazzi style, a good rain storm, peace of mind, God, my mommy, my big brother, my journal, good quotes, flowers, candles lit in my room, kind hearts, conversations with bums, church, hearing the people I love laugh, cute lil' kiddies, money, laughin so hard it hurts, dressing up way hot, dressing comfy, Pacific Beach, interesting books, when people "get" me, Fall time in the midwest, anything pop culture, anything "spa" oriented, drinking games, June 1, a good cry, party girl, football, senses of humor, baseball games, checking things off my "to do" list, skiing, 4:20, New Orleans, Chipotle, sushi, culture, Japanese food that they cook in front of you, being naughty at times, going out to a fun bar/club, accents, compliments, g-strings, vodka gimlets, knocking a few back outside in mid-afternoon, writing letters, "fall all over yourself" crushes, feeling good after a hard workout, chocolate. Gosh..this list could go on and on!

I'd like to meet:

cool, funny, sweet, open minded people that are not creepy, that are freaking hilarious and who keep it real! You have to get my sense of humor too. Also, John Lennon if he were alive today and I think it would be kick ass to hang out with Madonna and Prince. Oh and I would love to make out with Eminem for a little while!!:) Why Em, I do not know, but YUM!


EVERYTHING!! I LOVE LIVE SHOWS!!!! That is where my $$$$ goes. I drove out here from Ohio and I burnt all kinds of CD's. I literally have the most random shit, but it is the best way to do it. Track number one on one of my burnt CD's will be like Lenny Kravitz and then track two could go to Dixy Chicks, Prince, PEACHES, MIA, Journey, Looner, to Rufus Wainwright, My Chemical Romance, Ween, Korn to the "Rent" soundtrack, Elton John to The Killers to Air, to Dre to Vegitation to Coldplay to Jay-Z, The Doors...and so on! If it has a good beat and I like it off the very first note, I fucking jam!! Genre' totally excluded.


Favs are Pee Wee's Big Adventure (best at 4:20), Any Molly Ringwald/80's flick, Pretty Woman, The Big Lebowski, Magnolia, Paper Moon, Mystic River, Rent, Laurel Canyon, Walk the Line, Shawshank Redemption, Blow, Breakfast At Tiffany's, Nap. Dy, Old School, The Notebook. I will watch it all once. This too could go on for awhile.


I hate TV and I love it! Is that possible? Electronic Media Comm. was my major in college and TV pisses me off a lot of the time-GO FIGURE! ha ha. The news can be a huge buzz kill, but good for the mind. Ignorance is bliss though. I really do get into some reality TV( guilty pleasure, I guess) like The Real World, Laguna Beach, Cheaters, Blind Date...etc, but I also like That 70's Show, Roseanne, Cosby Show, Desperate Houswives, 60 Minutes, Larry King Live, Grey's Anatomy, Inside the Actor's Studio, Sex in the City..OF COURSE!!! The OC is good for shits and giggles. I am recently obsessed with the show, 'SCRUBS'


I like N. Sparks novels and some darker stories like "The Lovely Bones." Right now I am reading "America" by Zappa. I just finished "Private Parts" by my favorite radio man, Howard Stern. I will start "The Man In Black" for my next fabulous read. That is Johnny Cash's autobiography. He fascinates me! "So there I was, up and running, strung out, slowed down, sped up, turned around, hung on the hook, having a ball, living in hell." -Johnny Cash


My Mom, my family, my best friends, David J. Magoon MD(R.I.P.-We miss you terribly!!) anyone that was involved in 9/11, any man or woman that made it their duty to fly overseas and stand up for America! THANK-YOU. I may not understand everything that you have been through, but I appreciate it like hell and I hope and pray that you come back safe to your loved ones, not bitter and unscathed physically and emotionally (if that can even be done.) ...Oh and Daugherty!

My Blog

Good quote!

"Life's journey is NOT to arrive safely at the grave in a well preserved, clean body...but rather to skid in sideways rode hard, totally worn out shouting 'HOLY SHIT...What an amazing ride!'"
Posted by Lanza on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 11:43:00 PST

Oh Dear God!

Ok ya' I am not one to brag, but I am pretty sure that this 'myspace' blog page was MADE especially for the cool information that I am about to announce to cyberland. Yes, so I h...
Posted by Lanza on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 10:25:00 PST

Hang Ten!

I went surfing the other day. It was bomb. I was so pimp in my wet suit. I got up every time and even tried to pull a gnarly trick. I ended up flipping over and eating some sand! Sweet party. THANKS T...
Posted by Lanza on Wed, 17 May 2006 11:38:00 PST


Shit...I do not usually write these blog things, but I had the most perfect Sunday this past week and I had to share it with my "myspace" peeps. It made me so excited for summer in San Diego, b/c ther...
Posted by Lanza on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 02:45:00 PST


So...I went to Tijuana the other night with John. It was just as seety as they say and I almost got arressted by the "policia" for taking a picture. Yes, a freaking photograph. I took it in the r...
Posted by Lanza on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 12:22:00 PST