mike! profile picture


GiveMuhMUHMcMuffin... Ah Need Ah Need Ah Need HASHBROWNS.

About Me

What people are saying about Mike Wong!
* "... you're an asshole."

* "someone i could easily spend the rest of my life laughing with."

* " beautiful eyes with a heart to match. warm enough to melt the polar ice caps, but sensitive enough not to."

* "he's cute, but what the fuck?"

* "yes, you are a whore." (thanks, mom!)

* "he has asshole like tendencies."

* "is he gay yet?"

* "[he] wants to hold a baby, and teach it everything [he] know[s]..."

* "i don't understand [him]."

* "there's no one i'd rather sober up with at denny's than mike. "

* "... he's a douchebag."

My Interests

ashley, movies, music, multimedia authoring, reading, video games, dvds, comics, the work of kurt halsey , catching up on tv, and sleep.

I'd like to meet:

Andrew Kramer, Michael Cera, Nathan Fillion, Kevin Rose, myself in 20 years, your dad.tell me 'bout your dad.


the cure, bright eyes, d.a.f.t. punk!, death cab for cutie, the decemberists, pedro the lion, the magnetic fields, franz ferdinand, the good life, cursive, richard fuckin' cheese, jude, interpol, john mayer, brian setzer, michael bublé, chet baker, cat power, depeche mode, scissor sisters, stars, elton john, pre-extra crazy michael jackson, ivy, m. ward, múm, björk, cold play, sigur rós, mogwai, the beastie boys, cornelius, boy in static, mirah, karate, freezepop, rilo kiley, the postal service, etc...


serenity, spider-man 2, 40 year old virgin, evil dead trilogy, superbad, tango and cash, glenn gary/glenn ross, citizen kane, rashoman. all at the same time. forever.


At the moment, I'm all about Mad Men and Rescue Me.


The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Time Traveler's Wife, Maniac McGee, The Sun Also Rises, Slaughterhouse Five, The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales...


My mom. She's all I've ever really had to look up to as a testament of strength, endurance, love and savvy. All others have only been momentary perceptions of heroes I would want to look up to, far apart from who they actually were. ::shrug:: C'est la vie.

My Blog

In the spirit of "Lost" predictions...

Here's how I predict the rest of 24 will unfold this season:someone does something bad. and jack is forced to choke a bitch.then it turns out the bitch he chokes isn't really the bitch behind it all,...
Posted by mike! on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:51:00 PST

I am wayyyyy hooked on Penn & Teller's: Bullshit!

While I'm definitely pro being kind to our planet, being as it's our only planet, totally down for recycling, and all about replenishing that which we take by way of natural resources... one thing I'm...
Posted by mike! on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:28:00 PST

because a bulletin just wasn't enough...

i could seriously watch this all day.so this week at work, amongst the myriad of other projects due ASAPossible, Brian and I have to turn around an agency ninja movie for this thursday afternoon. thi...
Posted by mike! on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 09:52:00 PST


today i went to the comic shop... bought a few comics... had a few laughs... i'm still the prettiest.war painting is awesome. allie told me all about it... look out smashface.
Posted by mike! on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 05:23:00 PST

... and just for the hell of it.

Which Firefly character are you? You are Wash. Not only are you a great pilot, you are also the joker of the group. Your devotion to your wife is admirable, though you sometimes feel insecur...
Posted by mike! on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:15:00 PST

no it's not the update...

... but this is an amazing piece of on-line marketing...www.shaveeverywhere.comneedless to say, i'm sold.surprise.
Posted by mike! on Wed, 17 May 2006 05:31:00 PST

gone to new york city...

... for the day... i'll be back in tampa tonight.hold all my calls.freakin' best.job.evarrrrr.<3
Posted by mike! on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 03:12:00 PST

gone to texas.

i'll be back sunday. feel free to call my cell. it's going to be a long drive. <3
Posted by mike! on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 02:14:00 PST

can't... turn... it... off....

Posted by mike! on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 02:42:00 PST

i just got effed in the a.

so, my mom just suggested i sign up for eHarmony. god.damnit.
Posted by mike! on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 04:43:00 PST