*People who realize that the internet is very, very serious business.
*People who think my video game collection is awesome.
*People who will sometimes embarrass me in public.
*People who will help me form an unlikely, but loveable group of people bent on survival when the Zombie Apocalypse finally happens.
*Someone who appreciates my eclectic taste in music.
*Someone who can make me smile without meaning to.
*Someone who will stand with me, as close as we can get, to the tracks while a train is passing by. (It's amazing, I swear)
*Someone who will never get sick of clicking the bazillion links I will gleefully send them.
*Someone I can respect.
Some awesome(gay) shit.
Some indie crap. Some foreign crap. Some AMAZING HORROR _
The Daily Show. I finally saw Jon Stewart live. It was amazing.
I also enjoy some anime, but please don't confuse me with those creepy Japanophiles. I like my normal culture just fine, kthnx.
Devil Lady. It isn't on tv, but oh well.
Lots of them.
The Ugliest Guitar Ever.