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LIfe is Gravy

About Me

The greatest gift i can give you, is to see yourself the way that i do" -Jesus

All for FAMILY + All for FASHION

If I cross your path...and/or you cross mines, this TOPIC will be worth crossing into.
Forget Myspace! It's a formal introduction in person...and a phone call! old school way. *)

On a break from my passion! No boundaries...the sky is the limit.

CHECK IT! ..For BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests


You have what it takes to live life at its best. You have what it takes to achieve genuine and lasting excellence.

Your current situation, whatever it may be, is a perfectly workable starting point. You have what it takes to move positively forward in the direction of your own choosing.

Success and fulfillment, excellence and achievement are not mere matters of luck. Rather, they flow directly from your choices.

And you have what it takes to choose the path that will take you to your most treasured dreams. It is a path that is chosen not once, but over and over again in each moment, each thought, each action and each decision.

You have what it takes to be focused, disciplined, purposeful and effective. For you can think and act, learn and adapt, work and build toward any goal you choose to follow.

You have what it takes to do the things that must be done to get you where you most want to go. Choose to make use of your astounding abilities now, and again and again as each day goes by.

-- Ralph Marston


I'd like to meet:

On a personal level...I'm good where I'm at. Besides that....Let's keep it Professional.
Anyone who is able to teach me and anyone who I am able to learn from. Positive free!

Don't take my love for granted. There's a difference between "nice" and "good". GOOD is better.

My Blog

Ice Skating

FINALLY!  WE MADE IT!  Some of the loves in my was fun!Andrew didn't want to skate...he wanted to sit faarr away and watch. He wanted to go on the train instead.Kev. Drew. ChiaHe ...
Posted by Hnou on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:42:00 PST