Entertaining people. Being the center of attention. I love to sing. Act . Model. Work out. Travel everywhere. Drink coffee. Write books. Be mysterious. Learn to fly a plane. Changing the world. Learning to play guitar. Be poised. Be distinguished. Be bohemian. Be alive. Just.... Be lieve. In life in love in learning. Make every day extraordinary. Celebrate life. Take your time. Touch the sky. Find a rythm. Enjoy the journey. Relax and pay attention to detail. Listen. Give of yourself till it hurts.
Other artists with the same heart. People who want to make a difference. To have a positive impact on our culture. People with the guts to go against the status quo. People who are different and aren't afraid to stand up for character and integrity. People who may have made mistakes, but pick themselves up and learn from those mistakes. People who care enough about others that they will fight with all their hearts to tell them the truth. There is only one God. He is true. He is not tame. He died for you. And our lives are so much more real, when its Him we serve and obey.People who know the truth, or who are desperately seeking it out.
Favorites... Last of the Mohicans, Notebook, the Patriot, Braveheart, Gladiator, Tristan and Isolde, While you were sleeping, Ever After, Cellular, Sleeping Beauty, Matrix, The Village and pretty much anything by M Knight Shamallan, etc
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