Angie profile picture



About Me

I was born and raised in northern Indiana educated there, in Tennessee and throughout the world and somehow ended up in Alabama speaking Spanish. I love God, my family and life. Life is what you make of it so choose wisely. I am a wife to el hombre mas guapo del mundo, a mother (no real babies yet) to 2 german shepherds and a cockatiel, a daughter of two of the greatest people I know, a sister to a favorite nun (or Fred to the front...a great bro), and a friend to many. To you, who knows? I hope that at some point in your life you realize the truth about John 14:6 and do something about it. I work with and for great people and get to help a lot of people which is something I enjoy. We also work tons with "Primera Iglesia Cristiana del Norte de Alabama", my father-in-law's/our church. Que Dios te bendiga.

My Interests

Travel, music, outdoors, foreign cultures/languages. Anything that involves fun, excitement, thrills and chills. A nice cup of coffee, padded hotel room walls, exotic fruits in Mexico, kids, remodeling, road trips. I would love to have a pilots license and a private plane to make trips to see friends/family much shorter. Nice.

I'd like to meet:

My Father in Heaven (face to face), a real-life CIA agent (and get to play along for a while).


Plumb, U2, Coldplay, Audioslave, The Killers, Jimmy Eat World, Mana, Latin stuff, Enya, The Cranberries, Miles Davis, Andrea Bocceli, 80's, lots more....mostly anything.


You name it...I do enjoy the nice CIA flick, 'chick flick', comedy, foreign film, action film. I'm open...just not long drawn-out boring stuff that stupid critics call "the best film of the year" when they really make you feel like you've just wasted the most important 2-3 hours of your life.
adopt your own virtual pet!


Travel channel, HGTV, Discovery Channel, don't usually have time for the same shows.


Currently 'The Power of a Praying Wife'; The BIBLE, Love in the time of Cholera, The Captains and the Kings


A lot of people, in different ways: JESUS, mom, Dora the Explorer....the beat goes on..

My Blog

I’ve been tagged (by Holly)

..>   I've been tagged! (by Holly ) Here's how you play: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 05:35:00 PST

Guapo 2003-2007

R.I.P. my little bird.  Our dear Guapo Cotos Arriaga passed away last night, due to sickness beyond our control.  He lived with us for 4 happy years.  He was my birthday gift from Efren...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 05:44:00 PST

Back to the Rich Coast

Back to Costa Rica I go....we leave in 2 days; Efren is going this time which is a bonus!  We're excited.  I have to give a little presentation on our credit union one day which is only part...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:04:00 PST

40 Red Snappers

So my dearest hubby is in Texas, fishing with his bro and I am very proud to announce: 40 red snappers.  Wowsa!  And a 30 lb red drum.  Sounds like fish is on the menu, if anybody ...
Posted by Angie on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 08:17:00 PST

Four Years

12/21/02  Four years ago, one of my favorite days in my life's history.  (there have been many awesome days since then) I praise God for a wonderful husband, the life that He's given us, and...
Posted by Angie on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 09:24:00 PST

Church Praise! the past month our two Hispanic church congregations (Decatur & Huntsville) have merged into one...forming "Iglesia Cristiana del Norte de Alabama"....(Christian Church of North Alabama).....
Posted by Angie on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 02:23:00 PST

Let's correct Bono's EspaƱol

Spanish Lesson: What's up with the "unos dos tres catorce" at the beginning of this song?  I'm not talking about the order of the numbers, as you all know catorce is 14...probably to be funny.&nb...
Posted by Angie on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:33:00 PST


WOWSA!  Praise God, I have gotten the opportunity to assist as 'translator' to our CEO and VP for an upcoming trip to Costa Rica, in December.  We're going to be partnering with a CU in San ...
Posted by Angie on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 05:31:00 PST

Go South young Jo & Snail Mail Really is Snail Mail

I am so bad at the blog part of this.  So scattered and non-related but who gives a woop?  My mood is "giddy"...I would have liked slap-happy but no such luck on the mood list.  So my b...
Posted by Angie on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:03:00 PST

Back home after a visit home

This weekend was nice.  We headed north to visit the fam who we hadn't seen since Jan. plus our extended family at our annual Memorial Day gathering.  It was good to see everyone but it's al...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 30 May 2006 07:31:00 PST