Travel, music, outdoors, foreign cultures/languages. Anything that involves fun, excitement, thrills and chills. A nice cup of coffee, padded hotel room walls, exotic fruits in Mexico, kids, remodeling, road trips. I would love to have a pilots license and a private plane to make trips to see friends/family much shorter. Nice.
My Father in Heaven (face to face), a real-life CIA agent (and get to play along for a while).
Plumb, U2, Coldplay, Audioslave, The Killers, Jimmy Eat World, Mana, Latin stuff, Enya, The Cranberries, Miles Davis, Andrea Bocceli, 80's, lots more....mostly anything.
You name it...I do enjoy the nice CIA flick, 'chick flick', comedy, foreign film, action film. I'm open...just not long drawn-out boring stuff that stupid critics call "the best film of the year" when they really make you feel like you've just wasted the most important 2-3 hours of your life.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Travel channel, HGTV, Discovery Channel, don't usually have time for the same shows.
Currently 'The Power of a Praying Wife'; The BIBLE, Love in the time of Cholera, The Captains and the Kings
A lot of people, in different ways: JESUS, mom, Dora the Explorer....the beat goes on..