Deina profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a 45 year old Mom of two. My daughter is almost 21 and my son is 12. I own an event planning business. Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

Cooking, running, sewing, red wines!

I'd like to meet:

Other women who own businesses. I think it would be great to get tips and support! Anyone with similar interests. You can't have too many friends!


I like most music, although I hate country! I love Classic rock, alternative, progressive, going to broadway shows with Kirk!


Fried Green Tomatoes, Sabrina, OFFICE SPACE!


I don't like TV time! I do like mindless sitcoms like reruns of Friends, and Everybody loves Raymond.


True Crime. I think I've read all of Anne Rules books although I don't like how much of her own opinion goes into it. Anything by Harold Schechter is really good!

My Blog

Sad Day!

I lost my father in law this morning. I was with him when he passed which was a gift in a way...and scary in another. I'll be unavailable for the next few days as so many arrangements need to be made....
Posted by Deina on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 07:10:00 PST