music, writing, science, climbing, adventure, poetic justice, the unknown
Are you awesome?
Aimee Mann, The Arcade Fire, Bach, Belle and Sebastian, Bjork, Caroline Glass, Coldplay, David Byrne, Goldfrapp, Jay-Jay Johanson, Joseph Arthur, Leonard Cohen, The Magnetic Fields, The Postal Service, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Tipsy, Tom Waits, Tommy Jordan
Alien, American Beauty, Baraka, Das Boot, Brazil, A Clockwork Orange, Dead Ringers, Europa, Exotica, The Fifth Element, Full Metal Jacket, Heathers, Lord of the Rings, Manhattan, Memento, Requiem for a Dream, Twin Peaks, The Virgin Suicides, Waking Life
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Bliss, Catch-22, Crime and Punishment, The Dead, The Fight Club, Hunger, Infinite Jest, The Metamorphosis, Moby Dick, The Plague, Trainspotting, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Alexander the Great, Vincent van Gogh, Richard Feynmann