Amz & Mel profile picture

Amz & Mel

About Me

Your Penis Name is: Little Juan

Get your own Penis Name
Ok its our space not my space, neither of us wanted one so we thort a join one would be a compromise so here we are! hehe!-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend! Your results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 90% Green Lantern 90% Supergirl 85% Iron Man 85% Robin 80% The Flash 75% Catwoman 75% Spider-Man 60% Hulk 55% Superman 50% Batman 50% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
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My Interests

We are BIG fans of tequlia, its a must! The best layouts
Name? Mel & Amy
Hair? black & brown
Eyes? hazel/ green ( mels change strange!) & green
Height? 5 ft 7 & 5 ft 2
Hometown? Edgware & Barnet
Birthplace? Dubai & amy in london, not quite as exotic
Sign? sag & ARIES AMYS birthday 6th april YeY!
Left/Right handed? right
Heritage? :s what is that?
Favorite Season? Summer of Lurvvvvv !!
Favorite Color? turquioise
Favorite Cd? Arctic Monkeys! yey
Favorite Movie? Clueless
Favorite day of the week? Friday (night)
Favorite number? 17
Favorite animals? cats and big fat elephants
What pets do you have? cats ( 3 )
Favorite car? Morgans
Favorite Sport? Rugby!! Far more aggressive then football
What did you wear today? really hot stuff
Favorite Food? penut butter and pesto
Do you smoke? Nope
Do you drink? Yep
Do you do drugs? Nope
Do you like your life? Hell Yer!
Favorite fast food? Chinese - chicken balls!! -
What did you eat today? WAY too much no skinny jeans for me
How many piercings do you have? 12 altogether
How many tatoos do you have? mels got 2 I dont have any!!
What is your weakness? Not knowing when to stop in every respect! and Spending money on clothes!
What is your greatest fear? moths & wooden spoons
Where would you most like to travel to? africa
Favorite band/artist? ok go & The subways
Do you like indoors or outdoors better? this is a comprimise - a tent
What is your favorite pastime? drinking and dancing
Favorite holiday? everywhere weve been together- how soppy!
Most missed memory? dont miss memorises we treasure them all!
Biggest Regret? Dyeing my hair black (mel) & ginger ( Amy)
Ever been in love? Yer dont think soooo :s
Someone you love? You know who u are!!!
Something you hate? camoflage! it stalks me
Do you think you are attractive? Mell is sooo Hot to trot & Amy is drop dead gorgeous!!
Do you believe in yourself? Yes self beliefe is the way forward!
Favorite junk food? yuck don't like it!
Favorite t.v. show? Footballers wives ( iwant to be one ) lost green wing
Most important quality in a friend? beautifullness!
Most important quality in a boy/girl friend? mels says humour but Amys all about looks shallow Bitch!
Do you cry when you watch a sad movie? Yesssss
Do you shower everyday? YES
Do you get along with your parents? Yes
Do you go to school and/or have a job? School
Are you online for more than 2 hours a day? Hell No!
Sox or Yankees? Wat the fuck?
Coke or pepsi? DIET coke
coffee or tea? both ( but amys with 2 sweetners)
Night or day? Night
Raine or shine? Dancing in the rain, geti
Sugar or Salt? Salt baby
beer or alcohol? Beer is alcohol ist it? so Both and Tequila!
cat or dog? Cats **** meow ****
make love or fuck? well .... both is good
chocolate or vanilla? mel vanilla and amy chocolate
ideal job? one with lots of money or become a rich house wife!
favorite ice cream? mint choc chip
favorite video game? ermmmmm racing cars
favorite website? google !! its like every website in one!
What one thing do you want the most? grow wings and fly!!
Do you have siblings? mel one sister and amy one brother
Do you sing? Amy does all the time, weve actually had complaints!
Do you dance? We strut our funky stuff all the time
Ideal Boy or Girl
hair color? Dark blonde or black
eye color? brown green
height? taller than us its a must!
weight? i dont carry scales with me durr!
style? their own
what first attracts you to a person? if they like me! and a smile
are looks the most important quality? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS but mel says no
do you like men and women? men preferably!
what about if you were drunk? ermmm usually men!!!
do you want someone older or younger than you? older
What personality trait is most important? it changes
Final Questions
What is your screen name? ermm cant remember
Do you like meeting new people? yep
What is your best quality? our compatability! but im not sure if thats a quality



Loving OKGO at the mo, the strokes of course, the kinks, the Beatles, Queen, Oasis, The artic monkies, The magic numbers, The subways, Hardi fi, the killers, supergrass, weezer, Muse, the Bloodhound gang you get the jist...