Ben Johnston profile picture

Ben Johnston

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I was born in Florida and raised and schooled in Syracuse, New York. I once worked for Chase-Pitkin, an awesome home center store (RIP) with locations all over Upstate New York, as I finished Liverpool High School and began Onondaga Community College. I also finished at college at SUNY Fredonia (2004), a small college an hour or so south west of Buffalo, New York. I got a loser degree with three majors and two colleges and less than a 3.0 GPA, BUT I finished on time! I lived in Tampa Bay for a while after college before coming to Korea in March of 2006. I had some hard times in Florida for a while, and had trouble finding a job I actually liked, let alone one that paid well. It made it easier to come overseas, and stay a while; put it that way. What can I say, I have no job skills and don’t miss all kinds of sales jobs and customer service jobs I once had. My first year in Korea was at a hogwon, like everyone’s first year in Korea, basically. It was in Gwangju, a decent mid-sized town. I went straight to a public school job right after that, in Busan, Korea, the 2nd largest city out here, located on the south east coast with some 4 million people. I’m currently spending sometime in the States, between Florida and Syracuse. Near the end of May, I will return to Korea for my third year and third job…a high school on the edge of Seoul. Eventually, I’d like to work for a high school or college near the center of Seoul. I might retire in Thailand one day. I look forward to possibly continuing my education online in the near future…who knows, maybe an MBA in Human Resources, maybe a BS/MS in computer science, or maybe an MA in Legal Studies, but not education, as I’d never teach at 7am in America. Screw that…can’t say I’d ever continue my education in the States, as well; I just can’t let myself financially struggle again, go back in debt, have no free time, and spend my evenings at call centers, retail shops, and restaurants. I’ve paid my dues. I’ve had hobbies, dreams and ambitions torn out from under me, but I take it with a grain of salt. I have had many plans, dreams, hobbies and ambitions shortened or short-changed. I've suffered blows from friends and enemies who choose to judge or neglect. Through it all, I've learned a lot, too: namely, the meaning of friendship and acceptance. I embrace those who embrace me. I cherish every minute of my life as there is nothing better than to grow old and die with beautiful memories; everything matters. This is a profile for keeping in touch with people I care about, as I'm never one to let go the past, which is always well alive inside me alongside the present and future. I love reading and writing these days; there’s nothing like putting a lot of time and effort into a blog and proofreading it a few times and thinking to yourself, “this is fun.” There’s nothing more awesome than living abroad and writing home about it…

My Interests

I'm interested in just about everythingYour results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 100% Hulk 90% The Flash 90% Green Lantern 90% Superman 85% Spider-Man 80% Robin 80% Batman 70% Supergirl 60% Wonder Woman 50% Catwoman 40% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

The Ice Tray
People Iced: Twenty
Car Bombs Planted: Thirteen
Favorite Weapon Shards of Glass
Arms Broken: Thirty One
Eyes Gouged: Twenty
Tongues Cut Off: Thirteen
Biggest Enemy: The Bull
Get Your HITMAN Name


I'd like to meet:

The love of my life. Hopefully a Korean girl, or maybe a Japanese girl.


.....I don't even know where to begin or end; I'm into Industrial, Gothic, all kinds of Metal, Classic Rock, Classical music, all kinds of 80s and 90s music. I listen to everything with an open mind. I'm not much of a Jazz, Country, or Hip-Hop/Rap fan....


Batman Begins, Matrix Trilogy, V for Vendetta, X-Men Trilogy, Adaptation, Apocalypse Now, A Clockwork Orange, 2001, Star Wars (all), Fight Club, Scar Face, Godfather, Man in the Moon, Ace Ventura 1 and 2, The 13th Floor, Lord of War, Matchstick Men, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Resevoir Dogs, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Deliverance, On the Waterfront, 12 Monkeys, Swordfish, The French Connection............


Numbers, House MD, Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy, 60 minutes, CSI: Miami, Law and Order, Law & Order: SVU. I DON'T REALLY FOLLOW VERY NEW TELEVISION AND MUSIC ANYMORE


The longer ago it was written, the better the English...


I've met a lot of heroic and genuine Koreans out here.

My Blog

Episode III: Revenge of the Ben Johnston

Thursday, May 29th, 6:45PMBack in Korea...easy job, easy life, easy money, no rent, great insurance and pension plan, beautiful K-girls everywhere. Bye, America.
Posted by Ben Johnston on Tue, 20 May 2008 07:44:00 PST

My XBOX 360 and The Red Ring of Death

"My XBOX 360 and The Red Ring of Death"It has finally happened to me&the inevitable. I thought it would never happen to me, but it did. I remember skimming blogs and stories from and other...
Posted by Ben Johnston on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 07:42:00 PST


"Lifer"                Is there really something wrong with having a long term career in a foreign country?  What has always fascinate...
Posted by Ben Johnston on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:13:00 PST

Grand Theft Auto IV

"Grand Theft Auto IV"                As this blog is being published, Grand Theft Auto IV, the biggest video game of the year (decade?) is ...
Posted by Ben Johnston on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:00:00 PST


"Stay"                With the exception of No Country For Old Men, there are apparently very few movies within the last year or two that a...
Posted by Ben Johnston on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 08:40:00 PST


The whole Korea entrty/re-entry thing isn't as hard as I thought it would be.  If you send your original degree in, it doesn't need to be notarized or apostilled.  You only have to do a crim...
Posted by Ben Johnston on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:20:00 PST

To the recent female stranger Korean stalkers talking shit to me on myspace...

Posted by Ben Johnston on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:00:00 PST

Cognitive Dissonance

"Cognitive Dissonance"*This blog is about the current state of ESL in Korea; if you don't care, you don't have to read it.* For anyone reading this blog, whether you're about to enter Korea for the fi...
Posted by Ben Johnston on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:46:00 PST

Extinction - The Persistent Life

"Extinction  The Persistent Life"Like many other film coinsures, I am quite amused, from time to time, by zombie style horror films. I never affiliate myself with any one cognoscente, though, in term...
Posted by Ben Johnston on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 07:54:00 PST

Gwangju Girls

"Gwangju Girls"If there’s one thing I’ll take with me to the grave, it’s some lady friends (strictly friends; at least two of them) I used to hang out with in Gwangju (Korea) back i...
Posted by Ben Johnston on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 07:12:00 PST