Miss Jodie Love profile picture

Miss Jodie Love

People don't kill people, people with mustaches kill people

About Me

My name is Jodie, I was born in England and moved to the States when I was a child. I hate cheese. I am not afraid to tell you the truth. I don't like to brush my hair. I am a natural blonde. I have a 5 year old who is the love of my life. I'm a neat freak. I sleep a lot. My favorite color is red. I love to dress up in clothes that will probably scare you. I love my friends. If you make me mad I will probably beat you up. I like to fly planes. I hate being cold. I carry to much crap in my purse. I don't add random people to my myspace so don't try. let's see.. anything else???
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My Interests

vintage airplanes, exspecaily Gypsy Moths, Tiger Moths, Jets, gliders anything you let me fly, art and drinking, but not all at the same time of course!


just about all except country and r&b (yuck) right now I'm into Siouxie and the Banshees, OhGr, KMFDM, NIN,The Knife, Rob Zombie, The Cure, Hanzel Und Gretyl, Pig Face, Suicide Commando, VNV Nation, Lords of Acid, Spit, Apoptygma Berzerk, Wolfsheim, ZZ Top, and on a lighter note, Tom Petty, David Bowie, Wu Tang Clan, Prince, Billy Idol and all of the rest of those great 80's bands


Labyrinth(David Bowie is sexy) , The Lost Boys, Stand By Me, Resident Evil,all the Halloween movies, Exorcist-the Beginning, American History X, Thunder Cats (not really a movie), Clue, Natural Born Killers, Witches, So I Married An Ax Murderer, The Shining, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects , From Dusk Till Dawn, The Worst Witch, Rat Race, Team America, But I a Cheerleader, Crash, oh yeah and James and the Giant Peach...


I don't really watch to much t.v. shows, but when I do it's usually court t.v.... oh, also Ghost Hunters!


National Geographic magazines,anything true crime, save these men.. learn about.....


The man who saved me when I tripped at the train station, and fell on the track, while the train was coming!! thank you I owe my life to you!!!!

My Blog

red all the way!!

Posted by Jodie Love on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:53:00 PST

to all my close friends

I think I'm having a breakdown, I've had the shittest last two days and I really need my friends right now! I feel so lost in my life, I could really use a hug!
Posted by Jodie Love on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:52:00 PST

comfest and gay pride!!!!

just wanted to remind everyone to come out the 22nd,23rd and 24th of June  for comfest and the gay pride parade!! it will be a blast!!!!   ...
Posted by Jodie Love on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 12:05:00 PST

So denke ich, dass ich auf meinem Gemman aufpolieren werde!

kann jamand hilfe mich aus??  ich, nicht gut!
Posted by Jodie Love on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 08:59:00 PST

I think I'm a man!

Well today I was thinking, and I think I'm a man! my reasonings are... 1) I like doing carpentry 2) I hate pink 3) I give bitches stitches 4) no really I do! 5) I never brush my hair "Doug will vouch"...
Posted by Jodie Love on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:16:00 PST

respect stage 2 @ Ozzfest!! I built it!!!

hey guys just wanted to tell you, I've picked up a new job! and it's no cake walk! it's actually hard as shit! I'm starting to rodie for bands, my first gig, Ozzfest! Sounds fun right?? well try being...
Posted by Jodie Love on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 07:00:00 PST

to the dumb asses with 1028 friends!!!

if you have more then 300 friends, tops!! your a dumb ass!  those people are not even your friends!! unless your in a band or a porn star get a life! don't add everyone on myspace!! the people th...
Posted by Jodie Love on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 10:38:00 PST