painting, drawing, photography, running, catcalling nasty construction workers and UPS men in their sexy brown shorts, machaca burritos, rowing, music(used to play, now sadly i just listen), the downtown SD/PB scene on occasion, movies, driving at least 30 minutes to see my know
those with no homicidal or sexual predator tendencies are a good start
if it involves J-LO or lyrics about pickup trucks or stains on white t-shirts you'll be forcing me to judge you
Last Movie I've seen: finally saw Blood Diamond and 300 - not heartwarmers, but well-done
CSI Las Vegas, but the other CSI's not so much...Boston Legal, 24, and Prison Break
currently reading: The Phenomenology of Perception...if I can get through the somewhat suspect english translation, The Feeling of What Happens by Antonio Damasio, and Fatal Voyage by the woman who inspired the series, "Bones"
Keith Olbermann and his clear disdain for Bill O'Reilly...My mom for being a school nurse and working with 5-11yr olds on a daily basis; there's NO WAY you'd catch me picking an ant out of some snot-nosed kid's eyeball or taking care of a 5th grader that just crapped his pants...
David Hasselhoff: