ultimate knowledge, reading, writing, music, art of any sort, food (the crazier the better), sobriety, faith, truth, wooden doors, hard surfaces, glue, charcoal, the great outdoors, camping, hunting, swimming, high altitudes, fear, endorphins, shy people, angry people, all people, mountain dew, chemicals, electricity, plumbing, gasoline, the world, cartwheels, disease, hunger, bowling accidents, stubbed toes, white mud, dry mud or dirt, ice, mirrors, hairy animals and un-hairy animals or all animals, elitists, minorities, people that actually know what they're talking about, roman numerals, the national deficit, my pay rate, change, onions, underated overappreciated felons, clean carpet, shelves, black socks, and undisturbed sleep.
people who know the word.
i can't go into that. it's too personal.
yeah they're cool.
if you say you don't watch t.v. you are a liar.
Jesus and on a much smaller level Ron Paul.