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About Me

I love everything about the music industry...or maybe I should say- it facinates me! Another thing that facinates me is photography :)

Contact Tables

My Interests

"For some music is not just a pastime,
It's an undeniable fact of living,
A blissful slavery of mind,body and soul.
To rise above the ashes of mediocrity is rare,
Yet the gift of song is freely handed out to anyone who cares to recieve it,
Instantly shattering our daily drudgery.

The path to pursue more than the usual,
More than what is safe and known,
Is wrought with time-sharpened jagged blade that cut deep,
Blocking many from the road to something greater,
Beyond the stunted imagination of their peers.

Within the veins of the few,
Passion fills every sinew with a sweet unquenchable purpose,
Claming the fear of those treacherous paths.
Though each slice burns and bleeds,
Still they take each cut
And wear the scars with pride to signal their choice,
That undying pursuit of greater joy within every chord.

And so they say- Watch Me Bleed"
(who wrote this?)

I'd like to meet:

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!


hanson, Tommy & The Runaway Boys, Robert Post, Amund Maarud, Vidar Busk, Eirik Bergene, YNOS, Magnet, Frogner Tennisclub, BigBang, James Morrison, Maroon5, Gavin DeGraw, David Gray, David Mead, Elvira Nikolaisen, Norah Jones, Joe Satriani, Marit Larsen, Chuck Prophet, Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel,Pat McGee Band, bluuues++


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My Blog

We're Jamming The Night Away!

@ Madam Felle, dec 29th. Bergen Blues & Roots Club is arranging a gig for YOU to attend! wehaa! BBLyngs Bluesband will play for an hour and then it's everyones turn... :) We will have some sp...
Posted by Benedicte on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 04:49:00 PST

Got shoes...??

This Friday you have to shine up your dancing shoes and get your ass down to Bergen Blues & Roots Club at Madam Felle! Tripple-T are playing and we're all gonna have a great time! s...
Posted by Benedicte on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 04:51:00 PST

Next up: Twang Gang!! (and a mailinglist..)

The opening of Bergen Blues & Roots Club went by fantastic, and we're really looking forward to Friday, October 27th! We will have TWANG GANG as our guests, and hope to see you there- rockin...
Posted by Benedicte on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:02:00 PST

Bergen Blues & Roots Club opening bands

Bergen Blues & Roots Club will be the new name.. It opens for more that just standard blues. The opening party will be Friday Sept.29! Bands: Olav Undeland, Fredrik Halland, Terje Frigaard, Hungry...
Posted by Benedicte on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 04:06:00 PST

Finally, the rice and shine of Bergen BluesClub!

We now have a location: Madam Felle. (the last friday of the month, every month) The first happening will be September 29. -and we hope to get 3 bands to play... party party!  Show up and join in...
Posted by Benedicte on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:21:00 PST

an update n stuff...

Halla! Well, there's really not much to say, but Bergen Blues Club WILL rice and shine! But the thing is we still need a place to be. So... I guess until some bar or club wishes us welcome- things wil...
Posted by Benedicte on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 02:18:00 PST

Bergen Blues

well... a new blues club in Bergen is under construction. wee! I'll keep you posted
Posted by Benedicte on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 05:56:00 PST

Hi there

well... the olympics on TV (Norway only got 2 gold this time around..that sucks bigtime!) I'm tired and tomorrow I have to be dressed as an angel  at work.ehm..the thing I really wanted to say wa...
Posted by Benedicte on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:58:00 PST