Glass blowing, fire department(I wish) , paintballing, super geek league, plants, Star Trek/wars, book collecting, reading(Spelling need not applie),walking, biking(peddle power u mothers), rock'n, longboarding, small people, faces....O I’m sorry times up if you wish to keep going 2.99 a min well be charged. 18+ only
Chuck Norris:It is once believed that Chuck Norris actually lost a fight to a pirate, but this is a lie, created by Chuck Norris himself to lure more pirates to him..> Conan Interview on CNN on ..>..> Conan vs. Colbert vs. Stewart on ..>I really want to meet all 3 of them. BUT HAIL CONAN O'BRIEN! HAIL HAIL! ALL HAIL!!! HAIL HAIL!
TALLBOYS: Seattle Blue Grass SO KICK ASS. I found them sunday playing at the Ballard SUnday market. GO SEE THEM!!!!!
The Super Geek League: I love being apart of them! Its like a third leg.All depending on what im feeling like, ill listen to anything.
..White and Nerdy
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Stuffs that's funny. Sci-fi and anything else that floats my boat
Dont watch it anymore, but if i did news, learning channals, sci-fi...
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are something people with brains read, and zombes eat really no one is safeReading Now: Army books and fire fighting stuff....great times. Orson Scott Card & Aaron Johnston: Invasive Procedure. So gar GREAT BOOK!(Dec/07)(ON HOLD FOR STUDY REASONS)Last book Read: Orson Scott Cards: A War of Gifts. If you liked Enders Game then you HAVE to read this. A Story from battle school. (Oct 07?) NOW ON HOLD!!!! Reading about army leadership right now.... such a fun read let me tell you. All for next month when I head out for 2 weeks to school down yonder.
ducks, ninjas, clowns...mmmmm clowns aaaaaawwwww