Harriet profile picture


Life is just a big bowl of fancy assorted cashews!

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
A few of my favourite things: Fantasic music, theatre, Travelling by train, long hot bubbly baths, hugs from special people, elephants, Adventures, A new copy of heat (Guilty pleasure), Chocolate Raisins, Debbie Harry, Christmas smell, remebering lovely dreams, YODS, suprise texts/calls/emails from ppl I havent seen in ages, Letters, Bargains, David Bowie, Grapes, Songs with great introductions, Barcelona, Karen O, My Jukebox, Sleeping on clean sheets, seeing the Runcorn Bridge on my way home, God Only Knows, Cranes, The smell of swimming pools, Roast dinners, Late night random conversations, AMAZING nights out, Aeroplanes, Horror films, Live music, Sefton Park (esp on a hot day with beer and friends), Will & Matty, Diet coke when I'm hungover, Cheesy Rom Coms, Dancing with my Mum, Waking up with a hangover & finding Chez in my bed in a none lesbian way (sadly hasnt happened for a while), Pyjama sundays, pick n mix, Total eclipse of the Heart, Lovely suprises, Hippy Tea, Random on a sunday, The Dirty Duck, Alex Js jokes, looking at the pictures in Harpers Bazzaar,The spongebob film, Tom Waits, Cheesy Chips from San Remos, when I can afford to shop in topshop, Hilarious faces, stealing clothes from my mum, lie ins, thin days, when a "quiet" drink turns into a full on piss up, wine & crisp sunday evenings, matching underwear, slapstick, high heels, asda, bombay saphire, Tamla motown, Desperate Housewives, chocolate fingers,

My Interests

Reading, watching films blah blah blah. Anything intersting & fun thats not crap, (I really hate answering this stuff, in fact im not sure why i'm doing it.)

I'd like to meet:

The lovely Mr Depp, and the almost as lovely Jake Gyllenhall (i know thats probably spelt wrong), Eddie Izzard, Bill Bailey and Dawn french (there funny), Jezz Fredeek (he IS my hero) Anyone whos interesting, funny and not a twat really.
adopt your own virtual pet!


Loads of stuff really and I CBA writing it all down.


Anything were the boy gets the girl (or vice versa) esp if it involves a rom-com chase! Caberet, Grease, Alladin, The Arstocats, Rocky Horror, Cinema Paradiso, Amelie etc


Dont have a telly, but at home I watch Neighbours, Desperate housewives and pleny of ABC1


At the moment i'm mostly reading OK and Closer and a few plays and stuff for my course.


Debbie Harry!!!!! Shes a goddess

My Blog

1st Blog, How exciting!

Home!!!!!!! Finally, I know its only been 2 weeks but it feels like ages since ive been home. Things have been a bit mad on the avon. Ive started a new job wooo! (although i cud have been fired alread...
Posted by Harriet on Mon, 08 May 2006 03:33:00 PST