About Me
NAME: Life's a Bitch-Novacaine
AGE: Unknown
LOCATION: Somewhere
What is me?
Lover of all animals, Has 23 animals, Frequent Hair Dyer, Computer Nerd, Sound Tech, Stagehand, Safety Coordinator, Grew up in Cali & had culture shock when she moved here, Loves Ford Mustangs, Has a Mustang, Cant live without music, Unpredictable, Slightly crazy (Who isn't?), Close to her mom, Workaholic, Sucks in relationships, Gets along better with guys than girls, Loves God, Loves the beach, Has her own style, Hopes to make it Disney land one day, Doesn't care what people say or think of her, A closed book, Had a pretty hard life, Took ballet, dance and gymnastics for 7 years and would love to get back into it, has an anxiety disorder, takes pills to help her each day, was a tomboy growing up, has anger issues
People that cant face reality, Liars, Cheaters, Stealers (Go to work and get your own), snobs, people that think they are better, dumb asses people with no common sense, people who don't work, laziness, people that send messages asking questions that are already answered on the profile, meaningless messages day after day that say hi, people that abuse animals, people that have animals and don't take care of them, haters, racism, posers, trends, people that call you and don't have anything to say, child molesters, people that abuse kids, people who say they will do something and don't do it, people that don't take care of kids, abortions, ass-kissers, people that are hygienically unclean