Hey brother.......I like malt liquor. Fuck wine, whiskey and vodka. I have been known to drink a few drinks of beer when I am lucky enough to find an ounce or two in a can in a recycling bin. If it is warm or flat I don't give a fuck. I will drink it. If it was previously in your ass and you shit it out I would still drink the hell out of it. GIve me your beer and malt liquour.
Hey brother.............the shamoo slammay browlley blaha!!! Heh heh heh!
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... .................
hey brother.....uhhhhhh.....the sun man, it won't shut up
Hey brother......I like alf..
huh.....oh hey brother!
Hey brother.......I love them California Raisins. Man, they're funny.