Myspace EditorLoyal Friend! Horribly sarcastic sometimes!!! Long days at the beach in South Carolina during the summer with my Mom is the greatest thing in my life!!!!!!! Love 85 degress and sunny!!! Absolutely adore summers in Chicago, not a huge fan of "old man winter"!!! Drop "F" bombs more than I should but can turn on the class and charm if I need to in the right situation sans "F" bombs!!! Sometimes short tempered but I can usually find the humor in most situations. Can always make fun of myself after I do lose my temper. Occasional Crime Stopper, no seriously I am.... Depressed Cubs Fan!!! Really a big fan of most major league sports!!! Love Pubs, hate clubs!!! I love to try new restaurants we have some of the best restaurants in Chicago. Miss my one time home of Austin, Texas on a regular basis but know I'm better off in Chicago. Love to go out for "Sunday Funday" with all my friends.....the occassional "Day Bomb" on a Sunday is solid!! Go out at 1pm, home and in bed by 8pm and still "Fresh as a Daisy" for work on Monday!!!! We try and limit those to once a month though. It's weird to try and write about yourself.....I'm more interested in what's going on with others. I think everyone has a story that's worth listening to. No ifs, ands or buts about it. I think that's why I'm always talking to total randoms in total random places. Some say I just have a welcoming face or a trusting look that makes people want to randomly talk to me too...I think I might just have a staring problem or I am just a little bit nosey.....I eavesdrop a lot!!!! So, I really hate that Chipotle place. Why does everyone in Chicago love it??? Their food sucks, I don't care what anyone says. It's not good... stop eating there, it's McDonald's version of Taco Bell!!!! I also think it's so weird on myspace when adults send other adults those "Have a great weekend!" messages with the creepy animals that look like "Trapper Keeper" covers. A picture of a kitten with twinkly eyes and and flashy, sparkly "Have a great weekend!" message is really lame, not really cute at all. In fact it's even more lame when a girl sends it to a guy. Guys don't think that's cool, or sexy, in fact if they do, I would plan on your relationship with that guy to stay completely platonic. He's probably not really into dating girls. Those Trapper Keeper weekend messages are right up there with adults that wear Disney or Looney Tunes clothes. I would bet money that those people probably own Disney or Looney Toons clothes.