25% China Vagina profile picture

25% China Vagina


About Me

sweet sweet nothingness♥

i am random...and i like random people.
i want to laugh. i want to make you laugh. i want to make your day. i want to see your brightest smile. i want a life with no worries. i want to go about life with no regrets. i want to experience a love so mushy its sickening.

learn to laugh at yourself. learn to listen to yourself. learn to listen to the ones around you. always be the bigger person. choose your friends wisely. make all the mistakes you can. don't take yourself so seriously.

My Interests


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My Blog


001. I _____ Steph.002. Steph is _____.003. I think Steph should _____.004. Steph needs _____.005. I want to ____ Steph.006. Steph can ____ my ____.007. Someday Steph will _____.008. Steph reminds me ...
Posted by 25% China Vagina on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:37:00 PST

china vagina eating herself? haha!

how fitting!i got this picture from "jerk chicken."thank you love.baahahahahahhaha
Posted by 25% China Vagina on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 01:22:00 PST